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Eighth meeting of the Task Force on Access to Justice under the Aarhus Convention

Eighth meeting of the Task Force on Access to Justice under the Aarhus Convention

15 - 17 June 2015
Geneva Switzerland

The eighth meeting of the Task Force on Access to Justice  took place from 15 June 2015 (afternoon) to 17 June 2015 (morning) in Geneva (Palais des Nations, Salle V). The meeting was held back to back to the nineteenth meeting of the Working Group of the Parties  held on from 17 June 2015 (afternoon) to 19 June 2015 (morning).

The meeting of the Task Force was focussed on the substantive issues such as the scope of the review, costs and remedies.

Delegates also deliberated on quantitative data provided in 2014 national implementation reports in relation to the practical application of the provisions of article 9 of the Convention and learn from several relevant initiatives. Furthermore, delegates shared their experience in carrying out a multi-stakeholders dialogue for removing barriers to access to justice.

The meeting was preceded by a special session for judges dedicated to the promotion of judicial networking in the Pan-European region, which took place in the morning of 15 June 2015.

Read more about the Aarhus Week in Geneva here


The background material for the meeting included relevant information derived from 2014 national implementation reports and the synthesis report as well as the Convention’s Implementation Guide, the analytical studies and the jurisprudence database developed under auspices of the Task Force.



Document Title ENG FRE RUS
Provisional Agenda (AC/TF.AJ-8/Inf.1) PDF    
Report (ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2016/11) PDF PDF PDF
List of Outcomes (AC/TF.AJ-8/Inf.4) PDF    
List of participants PDF    
Item 2. Measuring access to justice      
Overview of the Availability of the Quantitative Data on the Practical Application of Article 9 of the Convention (AC/TF.AJ-8/Inf.2) PDF    
Item 3. Substantive issues      
Access to Justice: Overview of the Convention Implementation (AC/TF.AJ-8/Inf.3) PDF    
Study on the Possibilities for ENGOs to Claim Damages on Behalf of the Environment in Four Selected Countries – Draft Outline and Preliminary Findings PDF
Item 4. Means to share experience and develop capacities
(b) Sharing jurisprudence and promoting judicial networking
Case-law related to the Aarhus Convention      
Rio+20 Declaration on Justice, Governance and Law for Environmental Sustainability PDF PDF PDF
Environmental Justice and Sustainable Development: A Global Symposium on Environmental Rule of Law (UNEP/EA.1/CRP.1) PDF PDF PDF
Statements submitted before the meeting for all agenda items      
Statement by Armenia
Institutional and Legal Reforms of Civil Society Organizations in Armenia (draft)
Statement by Georgia
Statement by Joint Links on UK Access to Justice

Statements and Presentations

Statements and Presentations 




Statement by Chief Justice Xhezair Zaganjori (Albania)




Measuring access to justice




Mr. Taeke Gjaltema, UNECE Statistical Division




Mr. Andrew Jackson, An Taisce, Ireland




Substantive issues




Keynote address of Judge Miroslav Gavalec, Supreme Court, Slovakia




(a) The scope of the review




Mr. Daniel Lamfried, Federal Environment Agency, Germany




Mr Anders Bengtsson, Land and Environment Court of Växjö, Sweden




Mr. Dmytro Skrylnikov, Bureau of Environmental Investigations, Ukraine




(b) Mitigating costs




Ms. Marta Ošleja, Ministry of the Environmental Protection and Regional Development, Latvia




Ms. Carol Day, Coalition for Access to Justice for the Environment, United Kingdom




Ms. Anna Bareira, Instituto Internacional de Derecho y Medio Ambiente (IIDMA), Spain




(c) Adequate and effective remedies




Ms. Elena Fasoli, Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom




Mr. Siarhei Mahonau, NGO “Ecohome”, Belarus




Ms. Mariolina Eliantonio, Maastricht University, the Netherlands




Mr. Xavier Campos, Cercle Català de Negocis PDF    

Means to share experience and develop capacities




(a) National dialogues for removing barriers




Ms. Noriko Okubo, Osaka University, Japan




Ms. Tina Janjatovic, Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection, Serbia




(b) Sharing jurisprudence and promoting judicial networking




Ms. Barbara Ruis, UNEP