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Second Global round table on PRTRs

Second Global round table on PRTRs

24 - 25 November 2015
Madrid Spain

The Second Global Round Table on PRTRs took place in Madrid on 24 and 25 November 2015. The round table was held back to back with the fourth meeting of the Working Group of the Parties to the Protocol on PRTRs (26 November 2015).

The Global Round Table on PRTRs was organized under the auspices of UNECE and OECD in cooperation with UNITAR and UNEP. The round table helped foster exchange of experience between different Governments and stakeholders as well as build experts' capacities and promote synergy on PRTR-related issues. The presentations and discussions during the event were centred on good practices, common challenges and new opportunities related to development of PRTRs.


Documents for the meeting, statements and presentations given during the meeting, and the meeting report are available below.  

Documents and background material:


Document Title
Provisional Programme PDF   PDF
List of speakers PDF    
List of Participants PDF    
Report on the second Global Round Table on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers ECE/MP.PRTR/WG.1/2016/7 PDF PDF PDF


Statements and Presentations

Item 1: Opening        
Mr. Pablo Saavedra Inaraja, State Secretary for Environment, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment of Spain       PDF
Item 2: PRTRs across the world        
Ms. Tina Skarman, Chair of the Meeting of the Parties to the Protocol on Pollutant Releases and Transfer Registers        
Mr. Noriyuki SUZUKI, Chair of the Task Force on Pollutant Releases and Transfer Registers under OECD        
Mr. Íñigo De VICENTE-MINGARRO, Chair of the international PRTR Coordinating group PPT      
Mr. Kevin MUNN, Programme Officer, Chemicals and Waste Branch, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)        
Mr. Fabrice CLAVIEN, Chemicals and Waste Management Programme, United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)        
Mr. Carlos DE MIGUEL, Chief of Unit, Policies for Sustainable Development, UN Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) PPT      
Ms. Tatjana HEMA, Mediterrenean Pollution Assessment and Control Programme (MED POL), Barcelona Convention secretariat        
Ms. Svetlamna BOLOCAN, Head of Department, Ministry of Environment Republic of Moldova PPT      
Ms. Amina HALIM, Chef de service de la Santé, Department of Surveillance and Risk Prevention (DSPR) of Morocco   PPT    
Mr. Daniel NUNEZ, PRTR Coordinator, Ministry of the Environment of Peru PPT      
Item 3: Next Generation PRTRs        
(a) Data visualization        
Mr. Sho OHNISHI, PRTR Division, Chemical Management Center, National Institute of Technology and Evaluation, Japan PPT      
Ms. Karen MAILHIOT, Director, Program Integration Division, Science and Technology Branch, Environment Canada, Canada PPT      
(b) PRTR for addressing social issues / Cross-cutting applications        
Mr. Luis TAPIA, PRTR Administrator, Ministry of the Environment, Chile PPT      
Mr. Uri SHILHAV, PRTR Coordinator, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Israel PPT      
Item 4: Emerging PRTR challenges        
Ms. Linda LINDERHOLM, Scientific Adviser, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency Sweden PPT      
Ms. Ulrike SCHUELER, Scientific Officer, Federal Environment Agency Germany PDF      
Mr. Íñigo De VICENTE-MINGARRO, PRTR-España Administrator, Spanish Register of Emissions and Pollutant Sources, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment of Spain PPT      
Mr. Nebojsa REDZIC, Head of Department, Environmental Protection Agency, Serbia PPT      
Mr. Andreas GRANGLER, Policy officer, Federal Land Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany (on behalf of the European Commission, DG Environment, Industrial emissions unit) PPT      

Item 5: PRTRs for different stakeholders

(a) Speakers on PRTRs to monitor success in sustainable development: focus on green pharmaceutics and green chemistry:        
Mr. Steve DEVITO, Senior Scientist, United States Environmental Protection Agency, USA PPT      
Mr. Pedro MORA, Vice-chair of the Committee for Sustainable  Development and Environment of the Spanish Confederation of Business and Industries (CEOE) PPT      
(b) Speaker on PRTRs as a communication tool for producer, retail and consumer and their relevance for the sustainable development goals.        
Mr. Kevin MUNN, Programme Officer, Chemicals and Waste Branch, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) PPT      
(c) Speakers on the issue of fostering public participation:        
Mr. Roland RITTER, Scientific Officer, Federal Office for the Environment, Switzerland PPT      
Ms. Begoña Maria-TOME GIL, Climate Change And Energy Advisor, Union Institute of Work, Environment and Health (ISTAS-CCOO) PPT      
Mr. Christian SCHAIBLE, Policy Manager Industrial Production, Industrial Production, European Environmental Bureau PPT      
(d) Speaker on PRTRs for science and education:        
Ms. Louise SÖRME, Advisor, Statistics Sweden (SCB), Sweden. PPT      
Item 6: Chairs’ Statement        
The following material was not presented at the meeting, but is made available as a background document:        
Right to information on hazardous substances and wastes - Summary of the Report of the Special Rapporteur on the implications for human rights of the environmentally sound management and disposal of hazardous substances and wastes, Mr. Baskut Tuncak (A/HRC/30/40) PDF