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Fashion and the City

Panel discussion on the role of municipalities in promoting circularityand more sustainable consumption patterns in the fashion sectorHow

05 February 2024 14:00 - 17:00
poster fashion and the city

Sustainable fashion is often regarded as an issue of international trade and global issues, disregarding the role of local municipalities in the phenomena of overproduction and overconsumption and their trickle-down effects. Yet many cities around the world have started to think of this challenge and develop innovative mechanisms to reduce the volume of production and overconsumption and support their city’s fashion sector’s transition to sustainability.

  • How can municipalities reduce waste, induce sustainable consumption behaviours in their citizens and promote sustainable choices, and circular business services?
  • Do municipalities that are at the receiving end of fast fashion initiate policies and initiatives to re-address the phenomenon?
  • Can cities impact the fashion industry by changing consumption patterns of their citizens?

This event was organized by UNECE, ITC Ethical Fashion Initiative, UN Environment, Université de Genève and ICLEI.

Programme and presentations

57511 _ Programme - Fashion and the City _ 388128 _ English _ 773 _ 405727 _ pdf
57511 _ Dieuwertje de Wagenaar, Senior Policy Officer Circular Textiles, City of Amsterdam - Fashion and textiles in the “Amsterdam Doughnut”: How policy can boost local circular ecosystem _ 388129 _ English _ 773 _ 405731 _ pdf
57511 _ Kirsi Laitala, Senior researcher, Oslo Metropolitan University - Key challenges of textile waste and city-level solutions: Case of Oslo _ 388130 _ English _ 773 _ 405732 _ pdf
57511 _ Katia Dayan Vladimirova, PhD, Senior lecturer and researcher, University of Geneva - Opportunities to support responsible local fashion consumption: Case of the City of Geneva _ 388132 _ English _ 773 _ 405734 _ pdf
57511 _ Alison Evans, Head: Waste Markets, City of Cape Town - Moving towards circular textiles through Cape Town partnerships _ 388133 _ English _ 773 _ 405735 _ pdf
57511 _ Jessica Schreiber, Founder and CEO, FabScrap - Pre- and Post-Consumer Textile Waste in New York City _ 388134 _ English _ 773 _ 405736 _ pdf