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ACCC/C/2023/198 Ireland

Case status: Pending.
Follow-up: -
Topics: Prohibition of discrimination based on citizenship, nationality, or domicile; Access to information; Public participation; Access to justice.
Articles alleged: 3(9); 5(2), (2)(a), and (3)(d); 6(3); 9(4).
Articles considered by the Committee: -
Articles, if any, found in non-compliance: -
Summary: The communication was submitted to the Compliance Committee on 3 February 2023 by Right to Know CLG and Uplift – A Power People Company. The communication alleged non-compliance by Ireland with articles 3(9), 5(2), (2)(a), and (3)(d), 6(3), and 9(4) of the Convention in connection with its planning system. 

Document Status Date received
posted by the secretariat
Annex 1: Request for information about active dissemination policy
Annex 2: Compilation of responses
Annex 3: Summary of responses
Annex 4: Request for information on electronic publication of Planning Register
Annex 5: Summary of responses
Annex 6: Types of Planning Application documents published 
Annex 7: Meath Planning Portal screenshot
Annex 8: Request for information on compliance and enforcement
Annex 9: Compilation of responses 
Annex 10: Summary of responses
Annex 11: Steps in planning permission procedure 
Annex 12: Screenshot from Meath Portal
Annex 13: Time to access ABP files
From the communicants 03.02.2023
Statement on preliminary admissibility From the Party concerned 13.03.2023
Written statement on preliminary admissibility From the communicants 14.03.2023
Letter enclosing additional documents
Annex 1: Judgment of the Irish High Court in Sweetman v An Bord Pleanála 2020
Annex 2: Decision of the Commissioner for Environmental Information in case OCE-109717-K5Y2Z9
Annex 3: Judgment of the Irish High Court in Reidy v An Bord Pleanála 2020
From the communicant 21.03.2023
Letters to the Party concerned and the communicants enclosing Committee's determination of preliminary admissibility and forwarding the communication for the Party concerned's response From the secretariat 16.05.2023
Response to communication From the Party concerned 17.10.2023
Annex 1: Part 6 of the European Communities (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011 (Unofficial Consolidation draft)
Annex 2: Decision of the CEI in Mr X and Department of Agriculture Food and the Marine dated 26 April 2024
Annex 3: Agriculture Appeals Act 2001 (Section 14A) Regulations 2023
From the communicants 07.05.2024
Update and comments on Party concerned’s response From the observer Environmental Law Ireland 08.05.2024