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ACCC/C/2022/193 Ireland

Case status: Inadmissible.
Follow-up: -
Topics: Public participation.
Articles alleged: 6(2) - (4) and (6).
Articles considered by the Committee: -
Articles, if any, found in non-compliance: -
Summary: The communication was submitted to the Compliance Committee on 13 May 2022 by Mr. Heneghan, a member of the public. The communication alleged non-compliance by Ireland with respect to public participation in the decision-making on the proposed development of bus corridors in the city of Dublin, in particular the Clongriffin bus corridor.

Document Status Date received
posted by the secretariat
Annex 1: Email of 17.04.2020 from communicant to BusConnects
Annex 2: List of areas in Dublin city and county
Annex 3: Letter from communicant to affected areas, November 2020
Annex 4: Communicant’s comments on Clongriffin Scheme which accompanied a submission to the Planning Board 
From the communicant 13.05.2022
Statement on preliminary admissibility From the communicant 05.09.2022
Oral statement on preliminary admissibility
Written statement on preliminary admissibility
Annex 1a: public notice dated 07.04.2022 published on newspaper
Annex 1b: public notice
Annex 2: Letter from An Bord Pleanála to communicant dated 13 May 2022
From the Party concerned 06.09.2022
Letter concerning Committee's determination of inadmissibility From the secretariat 21.10.2022