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ACCC/C/2022/192 Belgium

Case status: Pending.
Follow-up: -
Topics: Public participation; Access to justice.
Articles alleged: 6; 7; 8; 9(2) and (3).
Articles considered by the Committee: -
Articles, if any, found in non-compliance: -
Summary: The communication was submitted to the Compliance Committee on 8 August 2022 by the non-governmental organization, Aktiekomitee Red de Voorkempen, and members of the public, Mr. Philip Roodhooft and Ms. Nathalie Van Sande. The communication alleged non-compliance by Belgium with articles 6, 7, 8, and 9 (2) and (3) of the Convention with respect to the validation of sectoral conditions for wind turbines.  

Document Status Date received
posted by the secretariat
Communication ENG FRE
Annex 1: Decree validating sectoral environmental conditions for wind turbines, 17.07.2020 FRE
Annex 2a: Judgment no. 30/2021, Constitutional Court, 25.02.2021 FRE
Annex 2b: Judgment no. 142/2021, Constitutional Court, 14.10.2021 FRE
Annex 3a: Press release of Constitutional Court on judgment no. 30/2021 FRE
Annex 3b: Press release of Constitutional Court on judgment no. 142/2021 FRE
Annex 4: Judgment no. C-24/19 of Court of Justice of the European Union, 25.06.2020 FRE
Annex 5: Press release of Court of Justice of the European Union on judgment no. C-24/19 FRE
From the communicant 08.08.2022
Oral statement on preliminary admissibility From the Party concerned 13.09.2022
Written comments on preliminary admissibility From the Party concerned 13.09.2022
Letters to the Party concerned and the communicants enclosing Committee's determination of preliminary admissibility and forwarding the communication for the Party concerned's response From the secretariat 12.12.2022

Response to communication
Annex 1: Ruling of the Court of Justice no. C-24/19 of 25.06.2020 ENG
Annex 2: Decree of the Flemish Parliament validating sectoral environmental norms for wind turbines of 17.07.2020 DUT/FRE
Annex 3: Ruling of the Belgian Constitutional Court no. 142/2021 of 14.10.2021 FRE

From the Party concerned 12.05.2023