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ACCC/C/2021/190 United Kingdom

Case status: Inadmissible.
Topics: Access to information; Public participation; Access to justice.
Articles alleged: 3 (2); 4 (1), 4 (2); 6 (2)–(4), 6 (8); 9 (3).
Articles considered by the Committee:
Articles, if any, found in non-compliance:
Summary: The communication was submitted to the Compliance Committee on 31 October 2021 by Mr. Brad Blitz, a member of the public. The communication alleged the violation of articles 3 (2), 4 (1) and (2), 6 (2)–(4) and (8), and 9 (3) of the Convention with respect to the proposed development of the Hendon Hub. 

Document Status Date received
posted by the secretariat
Annex 1:
Annex 1a: National Planning Policy Framework, 2021
Annex 1b: Local Government Act 1972
Annex 1c: The Town & Country Planning (Local Planning) 2012 & Environmental Impact Assessment 2017
Annex 1d: Environmental Information Regulations 2004
Annex 1e: LGA Conversations, New Guide to Engagement & HM Code of Practice on Consultation
From the communicant 31.10.2021
Annex 2:
Annex 2a: The Burroughs and Middlesex University Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) & PPT
Annex 2b: Outline Business Case and Full Business Case for Hendon Hub
Annex 2c: Local Plan (Reg. 18 and Reg. 19)
Annex 2d: Brief - Strategic Outline Business Case (SOC)
Annex 2e: Tony Mason correspondence with LB Barnet & ICO
Annex 2f: Brad Blitz complaints & correspondence
Annex 2g: Emails, letters, and tweets
Annex 2h: Minutes and reports of LB Barnet meetings
Annex 2i: Letters before action filed by Leigh Day Solicitors
Annex 2j: Claim for Judicial Review Richard Lecoat v London Borough of Barnet and Middlesex University
Annex 2k: Photographs of street markings
Request from the Acting Chair of the Compliance Committee From the secretariat 11.11.2021

Reply to request from the Acting Chair of the Compliance Committee
Annex 1: EIA Volume 1
Annex 2.1: EIA Volume 2.1
Annex 2.2: EIA Volume 2.2
Annex 2.3: EIA Volume 2.3
Annex 2.4: EIA Volume 2.4
Annex 2.4: Excerpt - Table on residual impacts 
Annex 3: EIA Volume 3


From the communicant 11.11.2021
Comments on preliminary admissibility From the Party concerned 07.12.2021
Statement on preliminary admissibility From the communicant 11.12.2021
Additional information
Annex: Chronology
From the Party concerned 13.12.2021
Letter concerning Committee's determination of inadmissibility From the secretariat 21.02.2022