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Decision VI/8k concerning United Kingdom

Document Status Date received or posted by the Secretariat

Decision VI/8k of the Meeting of the Parties on compliance by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland with its obligations under the Convention (ECE/MP/2017/2/ADD.1) ENG FRE RUS

Adopted by the Meeting of the Parties at its 6th session 14.09.2017
Statement From observer (Mr. Murphy) 01.08.2017
Statement on draft decision VI/8k for the sixth session of the Meeting of the Parties From the communicant of communication ACCC/C/2008/33 (ClientEarth) and observers (RSPB and Friends of the Earth) 03.08.2017
Statement on draft decision VI/8k for the sixth session of the Meeting of the Parties From the communicants of communications ACCC/C/2013/85 & 86 10.08.2017
Statement on draft decision VI/8k for the sixth session of the Meeting of the Parties From the communicant of communication ACCC/C/2008/33 (ClientEarth) 11.08.2017
Email enclosing High Court judgment, RSPB, Friends of the Earth, ClientEarth v Secretary of State [2017] EWHC 2309, 15.09.2017  From the communicant of communication ACCC/C/2008/33 (ClientEarth) and observers (RSPB and Friends of the Earth) 20.09.2017
Statement for the 11th meeting of the Task Force on Access to Justice From observer (Environment Links UK) 05.03.2018 (dated 15.02.2018)
Statement From the communicant of communication ACCC/C/2013/91 06.03.2018

Statement including annex 1 (proposed amendment to the Civil Procedure Rules)

Annex 2: UN Human Rights Council, Special Rapporteur’s report of 5 September 2017

From the communicants of communications ACCC/C/2013/85 & 86 13.03.2018
Statement for the open session at the Committee's 60th meeting From observers (RSBP, Friends of the Earth (England, Wales and Northern Ireland) and Friends of the Earth Scotland) 15.03.2018
Statement delivered at the open session at the Committee's 60th meeting From the Party concerned 22.03.2018
First progress report on the implementation of decision VI/8k From the Party concerned 01.10.2018
Comments on the Party concerned's first progress report From the communicants of communications ACCC/C/2013/85 and ACCC/C/2013/86 24.10.2018
Comments on the Party concerned’s first report
Annex 1: MoJ Consultation Part 39 CPR
Annex 2: SEL response to PEO Consultation
From the communicant of communication ACCC/C/2008/33 (Client Earth) and observers (RSPB and Friends of the Earth) 31.10.2018
Comments on the Party concerned's first report From the communicant in communication ACCC/C/2008/33 (Client Earth) 01.11.2018
Comments on the Party concerned's first progress report
Annex 1: Letter from the communicant of C91 to the Secretary for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy of 7 August 2018
Annex 2: Reply to the communicant of C91 from the Planning Inspectorate of 14 September 2018
From the communicant of communication ACCC/C/2013/91 09.11.2018
Further information From observer RSPB 29.11.2018
Annex 1: Email from the Planning Inspectorate Wyfla Newydd Case Team ENG
Annex 2: Email from Ministry of Environment, Energy, Food and Forestry of Rhineland-Palatinate ENG GER
From observer Ms. Artmann 25.02.2019
Letter to the Party concerned enclosing the Committee's first progress review From the secretariat 26.02.2019
Statement delivered at the open session on decision VI/8k at the Committee’s 63rd meeting From the Party concerned 15.03.2019
Statement From the communicants of communications ACCC/C/2013/85 and 86 15.03.2019
Comments on the Party’s statement delivered at the open session on decision VI/8k at the Committee’s 63rd meeting From the communicant of communication ACCC/C/2008/33 (ClientEarth) 20.03.2019
Annex 1: Environment Links UK statement for the 12th Access to Justice Task Force
Annex 2: Letter from the Ministry of Justice regarding Civil Procedure (Amendment) Rules 2019
From observers (RSPB and Friends of the Earth (England, Wales and Northern Ireland)) 22.03.2019
Letter to the Party concerned From the secretariat 31.07.2019
Second progress report
Annex A: Civil Procedure (Amendment no. 3) Rules 2019
Annex B: CPR excerpt
Annex C: Surrey v. Waverly permission to appeal
Annex D: Surrey v. Waverly judgment
Annex E: CPR Part 39 (proposed changes)
Annex F: Senior Courts Act 1981 (s. 51)
Annex G: Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015 (s. 87)
Annex H: Protective Expenses Order, revised, 2018
Annex I: Order 53 Rule 4 of Rules of Court of Judicature (NI)
Annex J: UK’s draft Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan
Annex K: Planning Advice Note 12
Annex L: Wylfa Newydd transboundary screening
Annex M: Wylfa Newydd press release
From the Party concerned 30.09.2019
Email inviting comments from communicants and observers From the secretariat 02.10.2019
Comments on the Party concerned’s second progress report From the communicants of communications ACCC/C/2013/85 and ACCC/C/2013/86 08.10.2019
Email enclosing comments on the Party concerned's second progress report From the communicant of communication ACCC/C/2010/53 09.10.2019
Comments on the Party concerned’s second progress report
Annex 1: Report on compliance with article 9 in England and Wales
Annex 2: Data on interim relief
From observers (RSBP, Friends of the Earth (England, Wales and Northern Ireland) and Friends of the Earth Scotland) 29.10.2019
Comments on the Party concerned's second progress report From observer (Environment Links UK) 30.10.2019
Comments on the Party concerned's second progress report
Annex A: Judge's order of 1 August 2019
From the communicant of communication ACCC/C/2008/33 31.10.2019
Letter to the Party concerned enclosing the Committee’s second progress review From the secretariat 06.03.2020
Statement From observers (Mr. Murphy and Ms. Noe) 11.03.2020
Statement delivered at the open session on decision VI/8k at Committee’s 66th meeting
Annex: Consultation principles
From the Party concerned 13.03.2020
Comments on the Committee’s second progress review From observers (RSPB, Friends of the Earth, and Friends of the Earth Scotland) 13.03.2020
Statement delivered at the open session on decision VI/8k at Committee's 66th meeting From the communicants of communications ACCC/C/2013/85 and ACCC/C/2013/86 13.03.2020
Statement From the communicant of communication ACCC/C/2008/33 (ClientEarth) 18.03.2020
Update on variation of costs caps
Annex: Court order of 24 January 2020
From the communicant of communication ACCC/C/2008/33 (ClientEarth) 14.08.2020
Final progress report on the implementation of decision VI/8k
Annex A: A Pillar of Justice 2019
Annex B: Consultation response, Legal aid reform Scotland 2020
Annex C: First Minister's Advisory Group on Human Rights Leadership, Final report 2018
Annex D: Draft National Energy and Climate Plan 2018
Annex E: Article 3, Regulation on the Governance of the Energy Union
Annex F: Article 10, Regulation on the Governance of the Energy Union
Annex G: Consultation principles 2018
From the Party concerned 30.09.2020
Comments on the Party concerned's final progress report From the communicants of communications ACCC/C/2013/85 and ACCC/C/2013/86 15.10.2020
Comments on final progress report on the implementation of decision VI/8k From the Communicant (ClientEarth) 29.10.2020
Comments on the Party concerned's final progress report
Annex 1: Wildlife & Countryside Link submission to IRAL 20.10.2020
Annex 2: RSPB submission to IRAL 26.10.2020
Annex 3: Friends of the Earth Submission to IRAL 22.10.2020
Annex 4: High Court of Justice – Aireborough Capacity Judgement, No: CO/3279/2019  14.01.2020
From observers (RSPB, Friends of the Earth, Friends of the Earth (Scotland), Environmental Rights Centre for Scotland, Benjamin Christman, C & J Black Solicitors) 29.10.2020
Annex 1: ClientEarth’s submission to judicial reform consultation, April 2021
From the communicant of communication ACCC/C/2008/33 (ClientEarth) 15.06.2021
Letters to the Party concerned, the communicants and observers inviting their comments on the Committee's draft report to MOP7 on decision VI/8k From the secretariat 05.07.2021
Comments on the Committee’s draft report From observers (RSPB; Friends of the Earth England, Wales and Northern Ireland; Friends of the Earth Scotland; Environmental Rights Centre for Scotland; C & J Black Solicitors) 19.07.2021
Comments on the Committee’s draft report From the communicant of communication ACCC/C/2008/33, ClientEarth 19.07.2021
Comments on the Committee’s draft report From the communicants of communications ACCC/C/2013/85 and ACCC/C/2013/86 19.07.2021
Comments on the Committee’s draft report From the Party concerned 19.07.2021
Committee’s report to the Meeting of the Parties on decision VI/8k:
Last update date: