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E196: Strengthening the implementation of UNECE Convention on longe-range Transboundary Air Pollution in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and the Central Asia

E196: Strengthening the implementation of UNECE Convention on longe-range Transboundary Air Pollution in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and the Central Asia



EXCOM approval

Planning phase

Implementation phase

Final Reporting
and Evaluation phase

EXCOM form

Monitoring the Implementation

Final/Terminal report

Evaluation ToR

Evaluation report



Midpoint/Annual Progress Reports Annual funds utilization reports

Funds utilization report for 1 December 2012 to 31 March 2015

Funds utilization report as of 31 December 2015

Funds utilization report as of February 2018

Part I. Planning
(to be filled in before submission to EXCOM)
Part II. Implementation
(to be used for reporting on progress in the implementation of the project in real time)1,2

Expected accomplishments

Planned activities

Estimated costs (US$)


Implemented activities3

Actual expenditures4 (US$)3

EA 1: Increased political profile of the Convention and raised awareness among decision-makers of the beneficiary countries on environmental and health effects of air pollution

A1.1 Organisation of awareness-raising meetings with national authorities of the beneficiary countries


1.1. Workshop “Particulate matter: the impact on health and development of national emission inventories”, November 2013, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

2.2. Participation of the secretariat in the meeting of the Interstate Commission on Sustainable Development (November 2014, Dushanbe), in the final conference of the project Air Quality Governance in ENPI-East countries (November 2014, Brussels) and other meetings to inform participants about the effects of air pollution, the benefits of joining the Convention and its protocols and of using the tools they offer, and about capacity-building activities managed by UNECE.


A1.2 Preparation and dissemination of information materials, publications and the website maintenance


A brochure on the effects of air pollution and benefits of joining the Convention and its procotols prepared in English and Russian and disseminated at the "Environment for Europe" Ministerial Conference in Batumi (June 2016)


EA 2: Improved access of the beneficiary countries to information and tools on air pollution abatement and their strengthened involvement in emissions reporting, monitoring and modelling activities under the Convention

A2.1 Organisation of workshops on emission inventories and reporting obligations in accordance with the Convention’s requirements, as well as identifying emission reduction targets


1. Training on gridded data and emission projections, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova (5-6 June 2014)

2. Workshop on emission inventory in Georgia (Tbilisi, 21-23 October 2014)

3. Workshop on emission inventory in Azerbaijan (Baku, 11-13 November 2014)

4. Workshop on emission inventory in Uzbekistan (Tashkent, 19-21 May 2015)

5. Workshop on emission inventory in Armenia (Yerevan, 2-4 June 2015)

6. Workshop on emission inventory in Kazakhstan (Almaty, 16-18 June 2015)

7. Co-organization of a sub-regional workshop on the implementation of the Protocol on PRTRs and the synergies with the Air Convention in terms of data collection and reporting (Minsk, September 2016).


A2.2 Support to participation of national experts from beneficiary countries in the workshops and meetings under the Convention


1.Support to the participation of experts from Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia in the annual meeting of the Task Force on Emission Inventories and Projections (May 2015, Milan)

2. Organization of a dedicated session within the meetings of the Working Group on Strategies and Review in 2013 and 2014 on the challenges and progress in the implementation of the Convention in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia

3. Support to the organization and travel support to some participants of the workshop on best available techniques (Berlin, April 2016)


EA 3: Increased ratification of the Convention and its Protocol on Long-term Financing of the Cooperative Programme for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Long-range Transmission of Air Pollutants in Europe (EMEP), the Protocol on Persistent Organic Pollutants, the Protocol on Heavy Metals and the Protocol to Abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-level Ozone (Gothenburg Protocol)

A3.1 Organisation of legislation analysis and related consultations or advice on elaborating actions plans, prioritizing actions in ratification and implementation of the CLRTAP and its protocols


1. A roundtable to present the results of the analysis of the national air quality assessment and management policies and legislation in Uzbekistan identifying gaps with respect to the Convention’s requirements and providing recommendations on further steps towards ratification (Tashkent, 22 May 2015).

2. Analysis of the national air quality assessment and management policies and legislation in Kyrgyzstan and organization of a roundtable (Bishkek, April 2016) to present and discuss its results with national authorities.

3. Analysis of the national air quality assessment and management policies and legislation in Kazakhstan and organization of a roundtable (Astana, September 2016) to present and discuss its results with national authorities.

Total: 900,000 (Euro) Total:  

1 The secretariat shall inform EXCOM in case of unexpected developments or serious problems of any kind in the project implementation.
2 Questions from member States on project implementation will be forwarded to the secretariat.
Relevant information should be uploaded by the project manager on the Project Monitoring Tool within one month from the end of the activity and include the following:
(a) For an advisory service (including at a workshop/seminar/training organized by other organizations): title; venue; dates; project expenditures; and hyperlink(s) to presentation(s) and other relevant documents;
(b) For a workshop/conference/training organized by UNECE: title; venue; dates; project expenditures; and hyperlinks to the meeting agenda, list of participants, presentation(s) made by UNECE, conference documents, training materials and reports;
(c) For a consultancy: project expenditures; hyperlinks to the consultancy ToR and main outputs (study, report, training material, presentation, etc.) produced by the consultant/s;
(d) For other outputs not included under bullet points above: hyperlink to relevant documents.  
[1] Relevant financial information – certified by the Executive Office - should be uploaded by the project manager on the Project Monitoring Tool within one month from the end of the activity.