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Documents authored by

Task Force on Digitalization in Energy


The building sector globally represents over one-third of total final energy consumption. Despite significant increase of energy efficiency in buildings over the last decades, a potential for further improvement remains.

ECE/ENERGY/GE.6/2022/4 ECE/ENERGY/GE.5/2022/4

Digital solutions enable advances in connectivity, data, and analytics, and can greatly increase overall efficiency of energy system and facilitate achievement of Sustainable Development Goals.


Many technologies have been developed recently to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through digitalization. Although many of these technologies are readily available, the pace of energy system transformation is slow.


In view of a shift towards disruptive trends in the energy sector, such as decarbonization, decentralization and digitalization that create an energy transition and generate a major impact on the utility industry worldwide, this information document (a) reviews the current challenges of big

Concept note and agenda for virtual side event "Enabling systemic energy efficiency improvements and accelerating implementation of the 2030 Agenda through energy system digitalization" in the framework of 2023 Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development Goals.


Integration of different energy sources and interconnection of various energy system components that constitute smart integrated energy systems, involve exchange of large amounts of data and increase the exposure to cybersecurity risks.


This document is the result of the collaborative work of the product of the Group of Experts on Cleaner Electricity Systems and the Group of Experts on Energy Efficiency, conducted on the platform of the Task Force on Digitalization in Energy.

ECE/ENERGY/GE.6/2024/3 ECE/ENERGY/GE.5/2024/3

Digital technologies and data hold tremendous potential to accelerate clean energy transitions across the energy sector. Digitalization can help cut investment needs, reduce operational and fuel source related costs, improve efficiency and resilience, and reduce emissions.


This compendium serves as a testament to the transformative power of digitalization in the energy sector, revealing the tangible impact of integrating cutting-edge technologies into real-world energy systems.