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Improving Efficiency of Buildings through Digitalization – Policy Recommendations from the Task Force on Digitalization in Energy

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ECE_ENERGY_GE.6_2021_5_f.pdf (application/pdf, 247.63 KB)
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ECE_ENERGY_GE.6_2021_5_r.pdf (application/pdf, 297.5 KB)

The building sector globally represents over one-third of total final energy consumption. Despite significant increase of energy efficiency in buildings over the last decades, a potential for further improvement remains. Many technologies and solutions to achieve higher energy performance of residential, commercial, and industrial buildings at any stages of their lifecycle (construction, occupancy, or retrofitting) exist, and many of these are enabled by digitalization. Unlocking the energy efficiency potential of buildings through digitalization, however, in many cases requires advancement of relevant policies.

This evidence-based document, developed by the Task Force on Digitalization in Energy, elaborates on the role that application of digital technologies could play to increase energy efficiency in buildings. It aims to raise awareness of policymakers and stakeholders of related benefits, risks, uncertainties, and trade-offs, and contains key recommendations for further consideration by the Group of Experts on Energy Efficiency and the Committee on Sustainable Energy.