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About the Event

Fourth Road Safety Week (5 - 11 April 2004)

The week of 5-11 April 2004 has been designated as the Fourth Road Safety Week. During that week, member States of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) will organize simultaneous road safety campaigns aimed at combating aggressive driving behaviour. The common slogan for the week is “Respect is safety”.

Aggressive driving behaviour has many different causes. It may be linked to emotions, time pressures, the consumption of alcohol or drugs or to the attitude of other road users. It may involve speeding, making unsafe lane changes, running red lights, lack of respect for traffic signs and signals, making rude hand gestures, aggressive use of the horn, etc. Aggressive driving behaviour leads to road accidents.

The objective of the Fourth Road Safety Week is to discourage aggressive driving and encourage courteous driving and respect for other road users.

Countries and organizations are invited to share the results of their work in this field through this website. If you aware of campaigns or research which have been conducted in this area, please provide us with a link to the website.

Promotional Material
Brochure (pdf): English / French
Poster (pdf): English / French / Russian
Logo: GIF (35 KB) / JPEG (56 KB) / Bitmap (945 KB) / TIF (53 KB)