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Working Procedures and Terms of Reference

At UNECE we develop global agricultural quality standards to facilitate international trade. The standards encourage high-quality production, improve profitability and protect consumer interests. UNECE standards are used internationally by Governments, producers, traders, importers, exporters and international organizations.

They cover a wide spectrum of agricultural products: fresh fruit and vegetables (FFV), dry and dried produce (DDP), seed potatoes, meat, cut flowers, eggs and egg products.
You can download the standards cost free from this website and use them free of charge.

You can also find here information on the meetings and other activities of the UNECE’s expert groups that develop these standards, namely the Working Party on Agricultural Quality Standards and its four specialized sections - on fresh fruit and vegetables, dry and dried produce, seed potatoes and meat.

UNECE Sustainable Agricultural Standards and Guides
All interested parties can take part in developing UNECE standards. We welcome experts from producer, trade and consumer associations, as members of national delegations.

Terms of reference - 2024

Working procedures - 2018
The Geneva Understanding
Conformity Certificate
Last update date: July 2, 2024