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Studies on Regulatory and Procedural Barriers to Trade

UNECE studies on regulatory and procedural barriers to trade are demand-driven, conducted upon the request of member States, to support economic diversification and pro-poor growth in the region. The studies are based on a comprehensive evaluation methodology.  The methodology, available in English and Russian, is geared to  assist countries establish the required institutional and legislative framework for ensuring successful integration into regional and global supply chains; promotes information exchange among countries on policies and experiences; promotes greater accountability and transparency; and informs donors as to where assistance might be required.

The studies are undertaken within the context of a participatory approach, which brings together public and private sector stakeholders to ensure policy responsiveness and bring about consensus.  Read more... 
Studies in the global context.  The studies  are conducted within the context of a participatory approach, whereby  public and private sector stakeholders  are brought together  under national review mechanisms as called for by the outcome document by the UN Summit to adopt the Post-2015 Development Agenda, in order to act as the UNECE counterpart throughout the assessment process.  The recommendations emerging from the studies  serve as a basis for monitoring, evaluation and reporting on progress made in achieving trade-related sustainable development targets. Most notable among these targets are correcting and preventing restrictions and distortions in global agricultural markets, listed as a means of implementation (MoI) target for SDG 2 on ending hunger and achieving food security; and, improving  market access for least developed countries, listed under SDG 17 on a global partnership for sustainable development. The Studies from Albania, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan , Republic of Moldova and Tajikistan are available.

COVID-19 impact assessments

With funding from the United Nations Development Account, UNECE is reviewing the impact of the crisis on trade and structural transformation. The reviews trace how non-tariff measures (NTMs) governing trade in goods influence end-to-end supply chains and highlight the lingering effects of the pandemic. Undertaken in the context of UNECE’s Studies on Regulatory and Procedural Barriers to Trade under the Steering Committee on Trade Capacity and Standards, the assessments use UNECE’s evaluation methodology for designing targeted interventions for rebuilding stronger and more resilient post-COVID-19 economies.


Thematic Publication

Drawing on UNECE studies on regulatory and procedural barriers to trade, this paper shows such barriers reflect deep-seated systemic capacity shortfalls at the macro level of policy and legislation, the meso level of institutions and the micro level of enterprises. They not only result in food loss and food waste, but also set the limits to agricultural development and trade opportunities. The paper also provides recommendations for gearing non-tariff measures to support the reduction of food waste-food loss in a manner that is consistent with the 2030 Agenda concept of trade as a “means of implementation”.

Download:  English    Russian

Last update date: December 12, 2023