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Displaying Results 121 - 140 of 1009

- English
…   A Guide to the Websites of National and International Statistical Organizations (2001)   Best Practices in Designing Websites for Dissemination of Statistics (2001)   Recommendations on Formats Relevant to the Downloading of Statistical Data from the Internet (2001) … Resources …
- English
New figures now available in UNECE Countries in Figures 2009UNECE Countries in Figures provides a one-page profile of social and economic indicators for each of the
… member countries . These profiles, prepared by the UNECE Statistical Division , will be of interest to readers not … of the population according to gender and age group Gender statistics including women in labour force, gender pay gap, …
- English
The population census is not just about counting how many people live in a country, but also providing information about age, sex, and other key characteristics that allow countries to paint a picture of how different groups, with different needs, are spread out across the country. In fact, the
… In fact, the census  provides the foundation for many statistics that help us make informed decisions affecting … of our lives: families, businesses, schools, hospitals, transport systems, neighbourhoods and cities.  Most …
- English
European Agreement on Important International Combined Transport Lines and related Installations (AGTC) provides the technical and legal framework for the development of efficient international intermodal and combined road/rail transport infrastructure and services in Europe. The AGTC determines
… European Agreement on Important International Combined Transport Lines and related Installations (AGTC) UNITED …
- English
These recommendations have been developed in the light of technical progress, the advent of new substances and materials, the exigencies of modern transport systems and, above all, the requirement to ensure the safety of people, property and the environment. They are addressed to governments and
… of new substances and materials, the exigencies of modern transport systems and, above all, the requirement to ensure … organisations concerned with the regulation of the transport of dangerous goods. The Model Regulations cover …
- English
Many countries around the world are easing COVID-19 travel restrictions on the movement of people and goods by various modes of transport. The actions presented in this document have been identified through reviews of various sources, including emerging scientific and grey literature, websites of
… Supporting healthy urban transport and mobility in the context of COVID-19 Supporting … development: five lessons from COVID-19 through the lens of transportation. Preprints. 2020:2020040047. doi: 10.20944/ …
- English
This publication provides comparable data on causes, types and results of accidents in Europe, Canada and the United States. Data are organized by nature of accident and surroundings; accidents while under the influence of alcohol; and the number of persons killed or injured, by category
… by age group. This annual publication contains important statistical information for those involved in transportation planning and road safety issues. This is a … 2003 were published only in hardcopy - How to order? … Statistics of Road Traffic Accidents in Europe and North …
- English
Readmore (1.1 MB) (2008) Proceedings of the Joint EFTA/UNECE/SSCU Seminar
… Seminar … Economic Globalization - A Challenge for Official Statistics
- English
StatisticsMarket AnalysisForecastsCase Studies and Profitability of Robot investmentsThe publication is available through the usual
Statistics Market Analysis Forecasts Case Studies and …
- English
Readmore it is available in English (2.7 MB) and Russian (7.3 MB) (2007)
… (2.7 MB) and Russian (7.3 MB) (2007) … Register-based Statistics in the Nordic Countries - Review of Best Practices with Focus on Population and Social Statistics
- English
A national transport, health and environment action plan (NTHEAP) is a key tool and mechanism for developing sustainable and healthy transport in a country. NTHEAPs provide a comprehensive and intersectoral way of planning and implementing transport, environment and health action at the national
… and planners Developing national action plans on transport, health and environment By Christian Schweizer, … and-health-performance-reviews-ehprs) • Transport statistics of the European Commission ( …
- English
Recommendation 42 on Trade and Transport Facilitation Monitoring Mechanisms (TTFMM) addresses issues related to institutional arrangements and methodology in designing and implementing TTFMM. It is an important contribution to UNECE’s suite of Trade Facilitation recommendations and guidance
… Recommendation 42 on Trade and Transport Facilitation Monitoring Mechanisms (TTFMM) … ECE/TRADE/437 in English. … Recommendation 42: Trade and Transport Facilitation Monitoring Mechanism (ECE/TRADE/437) …
- English
Globalization has created new opportunities and competitive challenges driving producers to seek more efficient ways to manufacture their products. However, in recent years recording the globalized production arrangements in national statistics has become very challenging and this has driven
… the globalized production arrangements in national statistics has become very challenging and this has driven … Provides practical support on the implementation of the new statistical standards – the 2008 SNA and BPM6, in respect of …
- English
… Readmore … Training videos on population censuses and gender statistics
- English
This practical guide is the result of UNECE capacity‐building activities in economic statistics for the countries of Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia. It suggests an overall process for performing seasonal adjustment and explains the related concepts. It brings together international
… result of UNECE capacity‐building activities in economic statistics for the countries of Eastern Europe, Caucasus and … and disseminating the results. The Guide aims to assist statistical offices of Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central …
- English
Making Data Meaningful Part 1 - A guide to writing stories about numbers, available in English (1.6 MB), Russian (1.8 MB),
… v 1. What is a statistical story? … United States Department of Energy • Vicki Crompton, Statistics Canada • Dag Ellingsen, Statistics Norway • … (teens, women, the elderly, etc.); • Personal experiences (transportation, education, etc.); • Holidays (Independence …
- English
Data on emigration tend to be far less reliable than data on immigration, because of the difficulty to record departures. How could this problem be overcome?This publication explores the possibility of using immigration data in receiving countries to improve emigration data in sending
… … Guidelines for Exchanging Data to Improve Emigration Statistics
- English
This publication takes stock of the longer-term progress in mainstreaming gender into economic policies and presents good practices in areas such as employment, budgetary and fiscal policies, social protection, pensions and gender statistics. It identifies major gaps and challenges in these
… and fiscal policies, social protection, pensions and gender statistics. It identifies major gaps and challenges in these …
- English
This UNECE publication contains: a background document, a strategic note and, the UNECE road map on ITS.
… U N E C E Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) for sustainable mobility United … Harris for ITS UK; Dr. Costas Panou, Asst. Professor of Transportation Dept. Shipping, Trade & Transport Aegean … co- operation. That cooperation concerns economics, statistics, environment, transport, trade, sus- tainable …
- English
Statistics on social and demographic topics are usually produced from surveys of private households. People living in institutions are often excluded because it can be complicated and expensive to identify and sample the institutions and their residents. But populations across the UNECE region
… M ea su ri ng O ld er P op ul at io ns in In st it ut io ns Statistics on social and demographic topics are usually … needs of these people. This publication guides national statistical o�ces in deciding whether, when and how to …