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BRS-IntegratedTrackandTraceforMulti-ModalTransportationv0.1-Final.pdf (application/pdf, 3.68 MB)
Integrated Track and Trace for Multi-Modal Transportation
UN/CEFACT – ISC-PDA/T&L SC-T+T – P1073, SOURCE: SC T+T Project Team
14 September 2022, Status: Approved, Version: 1.1
The objective of this project is to gain the visibility of the traded product at any time during its journey from seller to buyer:
• Enable tracking and tracing of products (or assets) and information sharing in standard electronic format.
• Track and trace any traded and identified items including transport equipment or assets (e.g., box, pallet, container, etc., even if empty).
• Trade or transport items must be identified based on commonly accepted, global data standards non-proprietary), regardless of the recognized standards body.