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Task Forces


At its 17th session in March 2022, the Group of Experts on Coal Mine Methane and Just Transition established three Task Forces, on: (i) Methane Emissions Reduction, (ii) Just Transition, and (iii) Safe Operations and Closure of Coal Mines, to manage better the knowledge and skills of its members and thus improve efficiency of the Group’s work in those subject areas, which constitute the core of the Group’s mandate and activities.

The Chairs of the Task Forces are nominated by the Chair of the Group of Experts, in cooperation with the Bureau, to serve for a period of two years, with the possibility of extension, starting at the end of the session at which they were selected until the end of the session two years later.

The Task Forces report to the Group of Experts on the activities and accomplishments of the Task Forces at the Group’s annual meeting and to the Bureau between annual sessions.

The Chairs of the Task Forces join the Bureau as Vice-Chairs ex officio.

To learn more about Task Forces and their activities please visit a webpage dedicated to each of them:



Just Transition 




Methane Emissions Reduction 


TF Pic

Safe Operations and Closure of Coal Mines 


Relevant Documents


To learn how to join a Task Force please contact Chiara Giamberardini at giamberardini AT