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Carbon Neutrality in the UNECE Region - Technology Interplay under the Carbon Neutrality Concept

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This publication calls for ambitious and bold action from governments, the private sector and regulators. Development of technologies will require new regulatory frameworks to support immediate commercialization. Policy frameworks should also incorporate legally binding commitments for increased international technology transfer, harmonized standards, and definitions for 'green' hydrogen, energy efficiency, and conservation. All decisions should be assessed against existing and upcoming net-zero and climate neutrality targets, with all energy infrastructure built to be net-zero compliant. lntegrating innovative energy technologies, alongside the transformation of energy markets and downstream industries, is a challenge and an opportunity.

The investment required to achieve a low-carbon economy will have its financial return and avoid the incalculable cost of economic, social, and human disruption due to a climate catastrophe.

Approximately 80% of the primary energy mix in the UNECE region is currently fossil fuel-based. Although different countries will support various technologies in diverse ways, we need to deliver sustainable energy to address climate change and ensure quality of life at a global level. ln short: inaction is not a viable option. UNECE will continue to support all member States to take action to accelerate their transformation and share good practices in urban and rural developments, particularly cities, industry, buildings, and transport while delivering on the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement targets.