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Task Force on the role of national statistical offices in achieving national climate objectives

Contact person: Malgorzata Cwiek


The main objective of the Task Force is to develop guidance on how national statistical offices can contribute to achieving national climate objectives. The guidance will identify concrete ways in which NSOs can be involved and showcase what the statistical system already offers to support climate action.


The main output of the Task Force’s work will be a guidance document on how national statistical offices can contribute to achieving national climate objectives including the following:

  • Supporting reporting under the Enhanced Transparency Framework of the Paris Agreement and provide input to the Global Stocktake;
  • Meeting information needs of national climate policymaking, e.g. for planning, measuring and M&E of climate change adaptation, monitoring energy transition, informing just transition, monitoring carbon footprint. The priority areas of national climate policymaking to be covered will be determined by the Task Force;
  • Informing the broad public about climate-related issues;
  • Communicating differences between the air emission estimates from SEEA and greenhouse gas inventories.


Terms of reference (2022-2024)

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