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Workshop on Population and Housing Censuses

19 - 20 September 2022
Palais des Nations, Room XXVI, Geneva, Switzerland


30619 _ Timetable (version 2 14 September) _ 370577 _ English _ 773 _ 361873 _ pdf
30619 _ Report _ 371870 _ English _ 773 _ 365967 _ pdf
30619 _ Report _ 371870 _ Russian _ 864 _ 365968 _ pdf

Sharing national experiences of censuses of the 2020 round: country reports on progress, challenges and solutions

32324 _ Country presentation, Zhanna Vasilevskaya, Belarus _ 370644 _ Russian _ 864 _ 362048 _ pdf
32324 _ Country presentation, Zhanna Vasilevskaya, Belarus _ 370644 _ English _ 773 _ 362208 _ pdf
32324 _ Country presentation, Gagik Gevorgyan, Armenia _ 370647 _ English _ 773 _ 362051 _ pdf
32324 _ Country presentation, Gagik Gevorgyan, Armenia _ 370647 _ Russian _ 864 _ 362052 _ pdf
32324 _ Country presentation, Kobil Berdikulov, Uzbekistan _ 370649 _ Russian _ 864 _ 362290 _ pdf
32324 _ Country presentation, Kobil Berdikulov, Uzbekistan _ 370649 _ English _ 773 _ 362289 _ pdf

Developing capacity for censuses