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UNECE-UNFPA Regional Training Workshop on Migration Statistics

06 - 08 December 2010
Istanbul Türkiye
  Document Title ENG RUS


Concept note
17 Dec.10
17 Dec.10


17 Dec.10
17 Dec.10


Workshop report
13 Jan.11
Day 1: Opening Session


Opening and presentation of the workshop (Paolo Valente, UNECE)
7 Jan.11
Session I: International migration statistics: The user perspective


Data users' questionnaire – a tool to better understand what we have and what we need (Ms Olga Chudinovskikh, UNECE Consultant)
13 Jan.11


Moldova: country presentation on data needs and availability (Ms Larisa Rotaru, Social Protection and Family)
13 Jan.11
Session II: Regional initiatives to improve migration data for policy-making


Improving data for policy-making: CARM - The Central Asia Regional Migration Programme (Mr Pawel Szalus, IOM Kazakhstan)
13 Jan.11


International Migration and Remittances in Eastern Europe and Central Asia: Using Household Surveys to Improve Migration Analysis and Policy Responses (Ms Meltem Aran, World Bank consultant, ECA region)
13 Jan.11


Improving data for policy-making: Perspectives from OSCE (Ms Amaya Sotes Linares-Rivas, OSCE)
13 Jan.11
Session III: Using available data sources to analyze international migration


Using global databases to address key migration questions (Mr Pablo Lattes, Population Division, United Nations DESA)
10 Jan.11


Data sources on persons in need of international protection (Mr Khassoum Diallo, UNHCR)
13 Jan.11
Session IV: Streamlining regional data collection activities


Progress in completing the regional template for data collection; follow-up to Bishkek workshop, Feb. 2010 (Ms Olga Chudinovskikh, UNECE Consultant)
13 Jan.11


UNECE Clearing house on migration statistics (Mr Paolo Valente, UNECE)
13 Jan.11
Day 2Session V: Availability, needs and quality of administrative data: The NSO perspective
Country presentations by representatives of National Statistical Offices:


Turkey: International Migration in Turkey - Data sources and current situation (Ms Neriman Can Ergan, TurkStat )
13 Jan.11


Belarus: Improvement of Migration Statistics (Mr Aleksei Yarkovets, National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus)
13 Jan.11


Moldova: Availability, demand and quality of administrative data for official statistics in the Republic of Moldova (Ms Nina Cesnocova, National Bureau of Statistics)
13 Jan.11


Statistical data on labour migration in the Kyrgyz Republic (Ms Shaiyrbubu Akmatova, National Statistical Committee)
13 Jan.11
Session VI: Migration data collected at borders


Azerbaijan: The use of border surveys (Mr Rza Allahverdiyev, State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan)
13 Jan.11


Tajikistan: Migration cards as a complementary source of migration statistics (Ms Gulizor Gadoeva, Agency on Statistics under the President of the Republic of
13 Jan.11


Statistics collected at the borders of Russia (Ms Olga Chudinovskikh, UNECE Consultant)
13 Jan.11
Session VII: Availability, needs and quality of administrative data: The producer perspective
Country presentations from representatives of Migration services, and other producers of administrative data:


Belarus: The data collection and analysis system of migration statistics of the Department of Citizenship and Migration (Mr. Uladsimir Marhevich, Ministry of Interior)
13 Jan.11


Georgia: Electronic system of processing, analysis and projection of internal and external statistical data on migration (Mr Lasha Gurgenidze, Civil Registry Agency, Ministry of Justice)
13 Jan.11


Russian Federation: Administrative statistical data on migration (Ms Maria Potekhina, Federal Migration Service)
13 Jan.11
Day 3Session VIII: Tools to improve migration data


UNECE inventory on information sources on migration (Mr Paolo Valente, UNECE)
12 Jan.11


Toolkit on statistics of international migration (Ms Olga Chudinovskikh, UNECE Consultant)
13 Jan.11