Updated: Fri Jul 13 15:39:32 CEST 2007
ECE/CES/GE.41/2007 /...
Document Title |
Agenda and Tentative timetable (as of 30 May 2007) |
Towards the adoption of EU legislation for Population and Housing Censuses: Summarising progress and highlighting issues relevant to register-based censuses (Eurostat), Supporting paper |
Item 3 (a). Census planning and management |
Census planning and quality assurance strategy in a register-based census (Sweden), Invited paper |
Towards an integrated model of management and quality control for population and housing census at the local administrative level (Portugal), Invited paper |
Quality management in the French census (France), Invited paper |
ECE/CES/2006/24 The population census in France: from general census to “rolling census” (France) |
Record Linkage and Preference Procedures to Assure Quality in an Integrated Register Based Census (Israel) |
Organization and management of forthcoming Population Census in the Republic of Tajikistan in 2010 (Tajikistan), Supporting paper |
Methodological materials for the Population and Housing Census in Kosovo: Preparation and test (UNMIK), Supporting paper |
The first register-based Census in Norway in 2011: How to comply with international recommendations? (Norway), Supporting paper |
Planning, organization and technology of second population census in 2009 in Azerbaijan (Azerbaijan), Supporting paper |
Item 3(b). Census technology: recent developments and implications on census methodology |
Record matching for census purposes in Netherlands (Netherlands), Invited paper |
Experience in use of scanners in census data process (Kazakhstan), Invited paper |
Implications of the Internet Census for the Management of Field Operations (New Zealand), Invited paper |
Census on the Net (Canada), Invited paper |
Use of Hand Held Computers in United States 2010 Decennial Census of Population and Housing: Lessons Learned So Far (United States), Invited paper |
The Use of High Speed Data Processing to Capture Census Data (United States), Invited paper |
Innovations in census mapping and census data geocoding (Italy), Invited paper |
Coverage and quality issues in the preparation of the Population and Housing Census in Kosovo: The role of mapping, IT and logistics (UNMIK), Supporting paper |
Supporting Information Sources for Register-Based Census (Israel), Supporting paper |
GIS-based Census Mapping Approaches: The Brazilian Experience (Brazil), Supporting paper |
Item 3 (c). Outsourcing of census operations |
ECE/CES/2006/35. Register-based 2002 Census of Population, Households and Housing in Slovenia: organization and data processing in the view of outsourcing (Slovenia), Invited paper |
Outsourcing Quality Assurance and Contract Surveillance Activities (United States) |