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CES Bureau meeting

02 - 03 November 2011
Palais des Nations Geneva Switzerland

Updated: 16 January CEST 2012


  Document Title ENG
1 Provisional Agenda PDF
09 Nov.11
1/Add.1 Timetable PDF
09 Nov.11
2 Education statistics (Australia) PDF
09 Nov.11
2/Add.1 Comments by UNECE PDF
09 Nov.11
2/Add.2 Comments by UNESCO PDF
09 Nov.11
3 Global manufacturing (the Netherlands) PDF
09 Nov.11
3/Add.1/Rev Terms Of Reference for Task Force on global production PDF
12 Jan.12
3/Add.2 UNECE comments on in-depth review of global manufacturing PDF
09 Nov.11
4 Household survey methods (Canada) PDF
09 Nov.11
4/Add.1 UNECE comments on in-depth review of household survey methods PDF
09 Nov.11
4/Add.2 Household survey methods in Ukraine PDF
09 Nov.11
4/Add.3 International initiatives and efforts relating to household survey methods (EUROSTAT) PDF
09 Nov.11
5 Follow-up to the in-depth review on measuring information society and statistics on science, technology and innovation (Australia, UNECE) PDF
09 Nov.11
6 Rev. UNECE Statistical Programme for 2012 (UNECE) PDF
19 Dec.11
6/Add.1 List of meetings planned for 2012

09 Nov. 11

7 Measuring health status (UNECE and Task Force on measuring health status) PDF
09 Nov.11
7/Add.1 Budapest initiative survey module for measuring health state PDF
09 Nov.11
8 Crime statistics (UNECE and Task Force on crime classification) PDF
09 Nov.11
8/Add.1 Principles and framework for an international classification of crimes for statistical purposes PDF
09 Nov.11
8/Add.2 Revised Terms of Reference of UNODC/UNECE Task Force on crime classification PDF
27 Jan.12
9 Rev. Statistics related to climate change (UNECE) PDF
19 Dec.11
10 Proposal for an expert meeting on Data collection (UNECE) PDF
09 Nov.11
11 UNECE biennial programme in statistics for 2012-2013 (UNECE) - Cover note PDF
09 Nov.11
11/Add.1 Draft programme of work of the Statistics subprogramme for the biennium 2012-2013 PDF
09 Nov.11
12 Strategic framework for 2014-2015 (UNECE) PDF
09 Nov.11
13 UNECE review (UNECE) PDF
09 Nov.11

Information requested by EXCOM for the ECE REVIEW - SUBPROGRAMME 3 – STATISTICS - (Draft)

09 Nov.11
13/Add.2 Current areas of activity, key results achieved and expected future results - (Draft) PDF
09 Nov.11
13/Add.3 New or emerging issues / activities and expected future results- (Draft) PDF
09 Nov.11
14 Principles on confidentiality aspects of statistical data integration and an update on new case studies (UNECE) PDF
09 Nov.11
15 Follow up to the CES 2010 seminar: “Impact of crises on statistical systems” (Canada) PDF
09 Nov.11
16 Follow up to the CES 2011 seminar: “Measuring human capital” (New Zealand) PDF
09 Nov.11
17 Evaluation of the June 2011 CES plenary session PDF
09 Nov.11
18 CES 2012 seminar “Implementing the UN fundamental principles of official statistics” (UNECE) PDF
09 Nov.11
19 CES 2012 seminar “Challenges for future population and housing censuses based on lessons learned from the last round” (Canada, CIS-STAT, UNECE) PDF
09 Nov.11
20 Progress with the Report on Measuring Sustainable Development planned to be submitted to the CES 2012 plenary session (UNECE) PDF
09 Nov.11
21 Preparation of the formal session, draft agenda and timetable for the 2012 plenary session (UNECE) PDF
09 Nov.11
22 Proposal for a high-level meeting on modernization of statistical production to be held in 2012 (UNECE) PDF
09 Nov.11
23 Rev. Terms of Reference for a Task Force on Business Register Guidelines PDF
19 Dec.11
24 Report of the meeting PDF
10 Jan. 12