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Press Releases

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The Secretary-General sends UNECE Executive Secretary Ján Kubiš as special envoy to Kyrgyzstan

Geneva United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon announced today that he is sending Ján Kubiš, UNECE Executive Secretary, as special envoy to Kyrgyzstan following the violence that erupted in the country in the last days. The Secretary-General “urgently appeals for dialogue and calm to…

UNECE advanced agenda for energy efficiency in the housing sector during World Urban Forum 5

UNECE participated in the 5th session of the World Urban Forum, held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 22 to 26 March 2010, under the motto “The Right to the City - Bridging the Urban Divide.” Ján Kubiš, UNECE Executive Secretary, was one of the speakers in a Dialogue on “Sustainable…

Azerbaijan hosts UNECE workshop on transparent and efficient land management

Geneva Transparent and efficient land management is a pre-requisite for the correct functioning of land and real estate markets, both of which play a fundamental role in guaranteeing a country’s prosperity and sustainable development. Transparent institutions can reduce the costs of access to…

В Азербайджане прошел семинар Европейской экономической комиссии ООН на тему прозрачности и эффективности землепользования

Прозрачное и эффективное землепользование являются необходимыми условиями для нормального функционирования рынков земли и недвижимости, которые, в свою очередь, являются важными гарантами процветания страны, а также устойчивого развития. Прозрачность может повлиять на снижение стоимости…

Новый Заместитель Исполнительного секретаря ЕЭК ООН

Geneva Андрей Владимирович Васильев, Директор Отдела экономического сотрудничества и интеграции, назначен на должность Заместителя Исполнительного секретаря ЕЭК ООН. Он приступит к исполнению своих обязанностей 1 апреля 2010 года.Андрей Васильев имеет более чем двадцатилетний опыт работы…

New Deputy Executive Secretary for UNECE

Geneva Andrey Vasilyev, Director of UNECE’s Economic Cooperation and Integration Division since 2006, has been appointed Deputy Executive Secretary. He will take office on 1 April 2010. Mr. Vasilyev will bring to his new function his more than 20 years of experience with the United…

Advancing preparations for the 7th Ministerial Conference “Environment for Europe”
Astana, 21–23 September 2011

Geneva The Extended Bureau of the UNECE Committee on Environmental Policy met on 16 and 17 March 2010 to further prepare the Seventh Ministerial Conference “Environment for Europe”. The “Environment for Europe” process and its Ministerial Conferences provide a high-level platform for…

UNECE strategy on Education for Sustainable Development celebrates 5 years of implementation

Geneva Environmental problems such as global warming, land degradation and loss of biological diversity, transboundary disputes linked to the use of water and other natural resources, the effects of unsustainable consumption – addressing these challenges requires a change of attitude in…

New trade measures present challenges for timber markets in the UNECE region

Geneva “Regulations affecting the trade of timber products are evolving quickly, and this evolution should be closely monitored because of the impacts on the entire forest sector.” So concluded the workshop on “Emerging Trade Measures in Timber Markets”, organized by the United Nations…

Ageing in Moldova: The Road Ahead
UNECE advises Republic of Moldova on policy-development in response to ageing

Geneva The UNECE Population Unit is preparing a Road Map on Mainstreaming Ageing for the Republic of Moldova. Based on an in-depth appraisal of the situation in the country, recommendations will be prepared on how to implement internationally agreed policy standards, as set out in the…

Outcome of the 27th meeting of the AARHUS Convention’s COMPLIANCE COMMITTEE

Geneva The twenty-seventh meeting of the Compliance Committee of the UNECE Aarhus Convention took place in Geneva from 16 to 19 March 2010. The main outcomes of the meeting were as follows:The Committee discussed the substance of communications concerning:a) Armenia, in connection with…

UNECE will host seminar on "Promoting Innovation in the Services Sector"
Geneva, 25 March 2010

Geneva The development of services is a major source of productivity growth in modern economies, as it provides critical inputs for other activities and makes possible new forms of activities and business models.Despite the increasing importance of services, the promotion of innovation in…

Regional Consultation on Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)

Geneva UNECE is organizing a regional consultation on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) on 17 March 2010 at Palais des Nations (Salle VIII). Achieving the MDGs is still a challenge for many countries of the UNECE region, which gathers a large group of advanced economies, but also a…

Atelier sur les mesures commerciales émergentes et le marché du bois

Au cours des dernières décennies, le bois a connu une mondialisation de ses échanges, marqués par une croissance rapide des flux commerciaux, en particulier sous forme de produits transformés. Dans ce contexte, certains pensent que malgré les efforts entrepris pour minimiser les obstacles…

Workshop on Emerging Trade Measures in Timber Markets

Geneva Over the last decades, timber has emerged as a globally traded commodity, with trade flows, especially of processed timber goods, growing rapidly. In this context, some stakeholders believe that despite attempts to minimize obstacles to the free flow of timber products, emerging…

UNECE launches data collection on pan-European forests

Geneva The UNECE/FAO Timber Section has just launched its periodical enquiry on the state of forests and forest management in Europe. National correspondents from 46 countries in the pan-European region were invited to provide information on the status and changes of forests, their…

Azerbaijan hosts UNECE workshop on transparent and efficient land management

GenevaTransparent and efficient land management is a pre-requisite for the correct functioning of land and real estate markets, both of which play a fundamental role in guaranteeing a country’s prosperity and sustainable development. Transparent institutions can reduce the costs of…

UNECE announces the introduction in 41 countries of type approval for electric and hybrid vehicles’ electric safety requirements

Geneva The World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations, adopted today, at its March 2010 session, a new version of UNECE Regulation No. 100 which introduces type approval requirements for all types of electric and hybrid vehicles’ electric safety requirements . Type approval refers to…

UN General Assembly recognises key role of Regional Commissions in the Decade of Action for Road Safety (2011-2020)

Geneva On 2 March 2010, the United Nations General Assembly unanimously adopted a historical resolution aimed at strengthening action of the international community to reduce deaths and injuries from road traffic crashes worldwide over the next ten years.In the resolution, tabled by the…

UNECE to take part in the Fifth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health, 10-12 March, Parma

Geneva Ján Kubiš, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), will take part in the Fifth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health to be held on 10-12 March 2010 in Parma (Italy). Some 800 participants, including high-level government officials,…