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Press Releases

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Roundtable in Portugal examines policy reforms to boost the real-estate sector

GenevaReal estate and property markets underpin our national economies. They are the principal destination of a household’s savings and the most solid component of a country’s capital stock. For many UNECE member States with economies in transition, improving their legal and…

Мировое экономическое положение и перспективы, 2011 год

Пресс-релизМедленные темпы восстановления экономики в Содружестве Независимых Государств – доклад ООНДинамика развития в регионе по-прежнему в весьма значительной степени зависит от экономических показателей Российской ФедерацииМосква, 18 января 2011 года: согласно обнародованному сегодня…

Sluggish economic recovery in the Commonwealth of Independent States – according to World Economic Situation and Prospects 2011 report

Dynamics in the region remain highly dependent upon the economic performance of the Russian FederationGeneva, 18 January 2011: The Russian economy remains the engine of growth among the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and Georgia, according to a United…

L'économie européenne se remet mais la reprise rencontre des risques majeurs selon le rapport des Nations unies Situation et perspectives de l'économie mondiale 2011 (WESP)

Les mesures d'austérité budgétaire prévues, ou en cours, entraînent les risques d'un nouveau déclin économique Genève, 18 janvier 2011 – Le produit intérieur brut de l'Union européenne (UE-15) connut un taux de croissance de 1,7 % en 2010 et l'on s'attend à un ralentissement à 1,5 % en…

Europe’s economy on the mend but the weak recovery poses major risks

Impact of fiscal austerity planned or under way risks a renewed economic downturnGeneva, 18 January 2011 – The gross domestic product (GDP) of the European Union (EU-15) grew at a rate of  1.7 per cent in 2010 and is expected to slow to 1.5 per cent in 2011, only to pick up…

Le redressement économique mondial est menacé par un taux de chômage élevé, les austérités budgétaires et les rivalités monétaires selon le rapport des Nations unies Situation et perspectives de l'économie mondiale 2011 (WESP)

De nouveaux risques d'instabilité sur les marchés financiersLe redressement de l'économie mondiale commence à perdre de son élan depuis le milieu de l'année 2010 et tous les critères indiquent un affaiblissement de la croissance économique mondiale, selon un nouveau rapport des…

High unemployment, fiscal tightening and risk of currency wars threaten global recovery – UN Report

Greater risks for renewed instability in financial marketsThe recovery of the world economy has started to lose momentum since the middle of 2010, and all indicators point at weaker global economic growth, according to a new United Nations report. The UN expects that the world…

Parties adopt new air pollution and climate change related areas of work for the Air Convention

Geneva The twenty-eighth meeting of the Executive Body (EB) of the Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Convention (LRTAP) took place in Geneva on 13-17 December 2010 concluding successfully months of preparations and hard work. This year’s meeting brought historic decisions for the…

Outcome of the 30th meeting of the Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee

Geneva The 30th meeting of the Compliance Committee of the UNECE Aarhus Convention took place in Geneva from 14 to 17 December 2010. The main outcomes of the meeting were as follows:The Committee discussed the substance of communication ACCC/C/2010/48 alleging non-compliance by Austria…

Государства Центральной Азии завершили разработку третьей Программы бассейна Аральского моря

Женева 15 декабря 2010 года в г. Алматы, Казахстан, Правление Международного Фонда спасения Арала (МФСА) рассмотрело проект третьей Программы бассейна Аральского моря и направило его на утверждение на высоком политическом уровне в страны-…

Central Asian States finalize the Third Aral
Sea Basin Program

Geneva On 15 December 2010 in Almaty, Kazakhstan, the Board of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea (IFAS) reviewed the draft of the Third Aral Sea Basin Programme and submitted it for approval at the highest political level to IFAS…

UNECE promotes green and health-friendly investment
and jobs in transport

Geneva “Green and health-friendly investment and jobs in transport » was the subject of THE PEP 2010 Symposium. The symposium was held under The Pan-European Programme on Transport, Health and Environment and (THE PEP), run jointly by UNECE and the World Health Organization’s…

ЕЭК ООН проводит семинар по управлению водными ресурсами в Туркменистане

Женева Сегодня в Ашхабаде, Туркменистан, открылся двухдневный национальный семинар, посвященный вопросам  интегрированного управления водными ресурсами и трансграничного водного сотрудничества. Семинар призван обсудить роль природоохранных конвенций ЕЭК ООН в улучшении…

UNECE organizes seminar on water management in Turkmenistan

Geneva A two-day national seminar on integrated water resources’ management and transboundary water cooperation opened today in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan. This seminar aims to discuss the role of UNECE’s environmental conventions in strengthening water management at national and transboundary…

Regional Aid-for-Trade Implementation and Monitoring Council launched for Central Asia, Afghanistan and Azerbaijan

Geneva Central Asia, Afghanistan and Azerbaijan heralded a new phase in regional trade development at the end of their Ministerial Conference yesterday, with the launching of a Regional Aid-for-Trade (Aft) Implementation and Monitoring Council. Hosted by the Azerbaijani Government in Baku, 1-2…

UNECE and the Eurasian Development Bank conclude a Memorandum of Understanding

Geneva UNECE and the Eurasian Development Bank (EDB) re-confirmed their commitment to cooperate in promoting regional economic integration and work together towards the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals in the interests of the countries in the Eurasian region by concluding a…

Regional Ministerial Conference on Ageing will review 10 years of implementation of Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing

Geneva At present the share of the world’s population aged 65 or more is only 7.6%, but as people around the world stave off illness to live longer, United Nations projections suggest this proportion could rise to 16.2% by 2050.  The phenomenon of demographic ageing is particularly…

UNECE contributes to improved legal aid on the right to housing in Georgia

Geneva UNECE and UNDP organized a joint training  in Tbilisi, Georgia (22-23 November 2010) to address the question of access to justice in urban development. This training targeted public and private lawyers in Georgia and representatives of this country’s Ministry of Economic and…

UNECE launches Joint Wood Energy Enquiry

Geneva The UNECE/FAO Forestry and Timber Section is launching the Joint Wood Energy Enquiry for the UNECE region for the reference year 2009. Wood energy statistics are often scattered among different entities and concealed within statistics on energy from renewables and waste. The Enquiry…

Belarus, Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, and Ukraine commit to further cooperation on air pollution abatement

Geneva On 16-17 November 2010, representatives from Belarus, Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation and Ukraine convened in Novopolotsk, Belarus, to discuss strengthening their cooperation and activities under the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe’s Convention on Long-range…