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Un nouveau traité international intégrera les préoccupations environnementales et sanitaires dans les décisions politiques

Genève Un nouveau traité international va faire en sorte que les considérations environnementales soient intégrées aux processus de décision stratégique des gouvernements, en vue de contribuer au développement durable. Le Protocole à la Convention d'Espoo relatif à l'…

New international treaty to better integrate environmental and health concerns into political decision-making

Geneva A new international treaty is set to ensure that environmental considerations inform and are integrated into governments’ strategic decision-making, in support of environmentally sound and sustainable development. The Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment to the UNECE Espoo…

Новое международное соглашение будет способствовать включению вопросов окружающей среды и здравоохранения в процесс принятия политичес

Женева Новое международное соглашение призвано обеспечить доведение до государственных органов вопросов, касающихся окружающей среды, и их учет при принятии стратегических решений во имя экологически благоприятного и устойчивого развития. Протокол по стратегической экологической…

UNECE moves to enhance public participation in environmental decision making

Geneva A Task Force on Public Participation in Decision-making was established on 30 June 2010 at an extraordinary session of the Meeting of the Parties to the UNECE Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters…

Better management of intellectual property is key to competitiveness

Geneva Government experts and specialists from relevant intergovernmental organizations, private sector, consumer associations and academia of the UNECE member states will be meeting in Geneva on 8 and 9 July 2010 in the context of the UNECE Team of Specialists on Intellectual Property (TOS-…

UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution aims to reduce Black Carbon emissions

Geneva The first meeting of the Ad Hoc Expert Group on Black Carbon under the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution was held in Brussels, Belgium on 17-18 June 2010. Representatives, observers and researchers from Europe, North and South America and Asia convened to…

Poland confirms its commitment to the United Nations Framework Classification for Fossil Energy and Mineral Reserves and Resources 2009

Geneva  The Polish Geological Institute-National Research Institute (PGI-NRI) and the Ministry of Environment confirmed that the data in the 2010 edition of its publication “Mineral Resources of Poland” will be prepared according to the United Nations Framework Classification for Fossil…

The Aarhus Convention’s Compliance Committee receives 50th communication

Geneva The Compliance Committee of the UNECE Aarhus Convention received its 50th communication shortly before its 28th meeting, which took place in Geneva from 15 to 18 June 2010. The Aarhus Convention’s Compliance Committee was established by the Parties to the Convention at their first…

UNECE helps foster a sustainable real estate market in Ukraine

Geneva The recent sub-prime mortgage crisis and the collapse of the global housing bubble damaged financial institutions globally and sparked the worst financial and economic crisis since the Great Depression. As part of UNECE efforts to avert future crises and to promote sustainable development…

Innovative Wood Products are the Future

Geneva, Switzerland The Timber Committee of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) meets again this year at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, to review the latest international developments affecting the forest sector. The event brings together delegates from Governments,…

To boost wood-energy production and use in the Commonwealth of Independent States and Turkey,
national and local political commitment is vital

Geneva This year, for the first time, national experts from both the forestry and energy sectors in the Commonwealth of Independent States and Turkey came together to examine policy options for accelerating the production and use of cost-effective wood energy in the region. They concluded…

THE PEP relay race continues its journey

THE PEP – the Transport, Health and Environment Pan-European Programme established in 2002 makes the link between transport, health and environment, aims to bring together key players from these sectors and make their integration a reality. THE PEP is serviced by the joint secretariat…

UNECE Discusses the Benefits of E-Government Reforms to Land Administration in Belarus

Geneva Overall, the implementation of e-government reforms can improve the delivery of government services and result in lower operating costs, increased revenue for fiscal authorities, improved transparency in property transactions and reduced opportunities for fraud. These and other benefits…

Launch of Group of Experts on Global Energy Efficiency 21

Geneva The first meeting of the Group of Experts of the Global Energy Efficiency 21 (GEE21) Project was held in Geneva on 10 June 2010. Representatives from the five United Nations regional commissions adopted the programme of work of the group and mapped out future activities including the…

Проект ЕЭК ООН по энергоэффективности готовится учредить инвестиционный фонд

Женева Ожидается, что до конца текущего года благодаря спонсорской поддержке ЕЭК ООН будет создан инвестиционный фонд государственно-частного партнерства для осуществления проектов по энергоэффективности и возобновляемым источникам энергии в Центральной и Восточной Европе и…

UNECE project on Energy Efficiency moves closer to establishing Investment Fund

Geneva A UNECE-sponsored private-public partnership (PPP) investment fund for energy efficiency and renewable energy projects in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia is expected to be established before the end of this year.  This was one of the main conclusions of the fifteenth…

Europe’s forests are expanding, but has the public noticed?

Geneva There are a number of public misperceptions about forests in the pan-European region. According to national and regional surveys, it is common belief that forests are disappearing and using wood is a threat to forest health. But the opposite is in fact the case. Forests now cover…

Helsinki Conference underlines the importance of innovation-based competitiveness for sustainable growth

Geneva “Science, technology and innovation increasingly determine economic performance, the new employment opportunities and the competitiveness of industries and nations. Innovation is thus a major source of competitive advantage including during periods of dramatic change as in the current…

Albania renews commitment to join the Air Convention’s Protocols on POPs, Heavy Metals and Gothenburg

Geneva On May 26-27 2010, the UNECE secretariat of the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (LRTAP), in cooperation with Albania’s Ministry of Environment, Forests and Water Administration, held a kick-off meeting in Tirana to initiate the country’s participation under the…

La CEE-ONU et l'Union Internationale des Chemins de fer (UIC) signent un protocole d'accord

Geneva La Commission Economique pour l'Europe des Nations Unies (CEE-ONU), représentée par son Secrétaire exécutif, M. Ján Kubiš et l'Union Internationale des Chemins de fer (UIC) représentée par son Directeur général, M. Jean-Pierre Loubinoux, ont signé le 24 mai à Prague un nouveau…