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UNECE co-organizes National Policy Dialogue on integrated water resources management in Tajikistan

GenevaThe First Steering Committee meeting of the European Union (EU) Water Initiative National Water Policy Dialogue on integrated water resource management (IWRM) in Tajikistan will take place in Dushanbe on Wednesday, 16 March. The National Policy Dialogue on IWRM Steering Committee…


Женева Сегодня в г. Душанбе, Таджикистан, открылся двухдневный семинар по международному сотрудничеству в области водных ресурсов. Семинар призван обсудить роль международного права, включая Конвенцию ЕЭК ООН по охране и использованию трансграничных водотоков и международных…

UNECE Seminar on International Water Cooperation opens in Tajikistan

Geneva A two-day national seminar on international water cooperation opened today in Dushanbe, Tajikistan. The seminar aims to discuss the role of international law, including the UNECE Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes…

“e-CMR” offers road transport industry 21st century solution

Geneva With growing trade volumes and increasingly complex supply chain procedures, ensuring the efficient movement of goods is crucial.  To this end, Governments are adapting traditional legal instruments to new technologies by implementing “e-governance” solutions.…

UNECE, UN-HABITAT and partners hold green infrastructure events in run-up to Rio+20

As part of the preparatory committee meeting for the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, UNECE, UN-HABITAT and their partners will hold a side event promoting green infrastructure development.Held in conjunction with Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI), the…

UNECE’s Inland Transport Committee sees encouraging signs of recovery in the Transport Sector

Geneva  The inland transport sector, which was heavily affected by the global economic downturn and the 12.2% contraction of world merchandise trade in 2009, has shown an encouraging increase in 2010. Road freight transport rose approximately 10%, after a 30% plunge in 2009…

Water and Health Compliance Committee launches consultation process to help States implement the Protocol

At its sixth meeting (Geneva, 1–2 March 2011), the Compliance Committee under the Protocol on Water and Health outlined the main features for a new consultation process geared to help Parties implement their obligations under the Protocol. This is a fundamentally new approach and the…

Государства Центральной Азии договорились расширять сотрудничество по безопасности плотин при поддержке ЕЭК ООН

Женева Официальные лица и эксперты пяти государств Центральной Азии на совещании, состоявшемся 2 – 3 марта в г. Алматы, договорились продолжать сотрудничество по обеспечению безопасности плотин. Стареющая гидротехническая инфраструктура  несет в себе потенциальные риски,…

Central Asian countries decide to extend cooperation on dam safety within UNECE framework

Geneva Officials and experts of the five Central Asian countries meeting in Almaty on 2 and 3 March agreed to continue cooperation to ensure the safety of their ageing dams, which present a looming threat owing to the double burden of growing populations in settlements…

UNECE’s Inland Transport Committee discusses the global and regional dimensions of the transport of dangerous goods

Geneva The transport of dangerous goods remains a subject of deep concern for the fifty-six countries of the Economic Commission for Europe.The United States Department of Transportation estimates the number of hazardous materials shipments in the United States at more than 800,…

UNECE engages top international experts to modernize seed-potato cultivation, quality control and certification in the Russian Federation and CIS

Geneva On 22 February, UNECE signed a four-year technical-cooperation Agreement with the world-renowned Swiss agricultural research station Agroscope Changins-Wädenswil (ACW) to raise the standard of cultivation, quality control and certification of seed potatoes in…

73rd Annual Session of the UNECE Inland Transport Committee will discuss Transport Challenges in 2011

Geneva  The challenges facing the transport sector and the role that UNECE can play in overcoming them will be at the heart of the discussions of the 73rd annual session of UNECE’s Inland Transport Committee (ITC) that will take place on 1-3 March 2011. The debates…

ЕЭК ООН стартует первый Обзор результативности экологической деятельности Туркменистана

Geneva/Ашхабад 22 февраля ЕЭК ООН стартовала Обзор результативности экологической деятельности  (ОРЭД) Туркменистана в Ашхабаде, Туркменистан. Группа международных экспертов, которая будет проводить обзор, инициированный по просьбе правительства Туркменистана,…

UNECE Kicks off first Environmental Performance Review of Turkmenistan

Geneva/AshgabatUNECE kicked off the Environmental Performance Review (EPR) of Turkmenistan on 22 February in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan. The team of international experts that will perform the review, initiated upon the request of the Government of Turkmenistan, will remain in the…

UNECE and Google bring statistics to a wider audience

UNECE’s Statistical Division has been working with Google to bring key statistics on our member countries to a wider audience using new data visualization techniques.As a result of extensive collaboration over the last year to develop data content, format and transmission mechanisms, UNECE…

Pour célébrer l'Année internationale des forêts, la CEE-ONU et la FAO installent une «forêt temporaire» au Palais des Nations

genevePour célébrer l'Année internationale des forêts, la CEE-ONU et la FAO ont construit une «forêt temporaire» à l'intérieur du Palais des Nations, dans la Salle des pas perdus. Quelque 70 arbres vivants de 27 espèces différentes d'Europe et d'Amérique du Nord, avec des hauteurs allant…

To celebrate the International Year of Forests, UNECE and FAO set up “temporary forest” inside the Palais des Nations building in Geneva

GenevaTo celebrate the International Year of Forests, UNECE and FAO have constructed a “temporary forest” inside the Palais des Nations building, in the “Salle des pas perdus” gallery. Some 70 living trees from 27 different species from Europe and North America, with heights ranging from…

UNECE/EU workshop identifies key areas for cooperation on water in Europe

In Western and Central Europe the quality of freshwater has in general improved in the past 20 years thanks to remarkable investments in wastewater treatment plants. However, many challenges still threaten water resources and aquatic ecosystems: among them, pollution from agriculture…

ЕЭК ООН помогает Казахстану и Кыргызстану в сотрудничестве для обеспечения безопасности плотины Кировского водохранилища

Двусторонней рабочей группе Казахстана и Кыргызстана предстоит исследовать безопасность плотины Кировского водохранилища и подготовить совместную оценку безопасности к апрелю 2011 года. Данная рабочая группа была образована на двустороннем заседании, состоявшемся сегодня в Бишкеке.…

UNECE helps Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan to cooperate to ensure safety of the Kirov Dam

A bilateral Kazak-Kyrgyz working group will review the safety of the Kirov dam and produce a joint safety assessment by April 2011. This working group was established today in a meeting in Bishkek. Representatives from Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan agreed that the group would work under the…