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PPP Days 2012 (UNECE, World Bank Institute and Asian Development Bank) and TOS PPP

21 February (10:00) - 24 February (18:00) 2012
Palais des Nations, Geneva Switzerland

"PPP Days 2012" was jointly hosted by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the World Bank Institute, and the Asian Development Bank in Geneva in February 2012. 

Business Forum was held on day 3 of the event, in order to provide a networking opportunity for governments to dialogue with representatives of the private sector from around the world. 

private sector pre-brief was held ahead of the Business Forum. In order to maximize the value of the event for delegates, countries presenting at the Business Forum were invited to submit details of upcoming PPP policies and projects, which were collated in to an Information Notice and distributed to delegates.

The event was the largest "PPP Days" so far, attracting some 700 experts from 80 countries.  A few weeks later, Geoffrey Hamilton, Head of UNECE's PPP programme, discusses future challenges and the importance of PPPs in improving infrastructure and quality of life.


Document title ENG FRE RUS
Report of PPP Days 2012 PDF    
Programme PDF    
Flyer PDF    
Provisional Agenda for the fourth session of the Team of Specialists on Public-private partnerships
Report of the Team of Specialists on Public-Private Partnerships
Review of the work of the Team since the third session and review of 
the work on PPP since the 2005 ECE reform


Presentations (Day 1) Media
Parallel clinic: Government financial support and PPPs  
"The Role of the Indonesia Infrastructure Guarantee Fund for PPP Projects Development in Indonesia", Sinthya Roesly, Chief Executive Officer, Indonesia Infrastructure Guarantee Fund PPT
"Government Financial Support and PPPs", David Duarte Arancibia, Head of Contingent Liabilities and PPPs, Ministry of Finance, Chile PDF
"Scheme for Support to Public Private Partnerships in Infrastructure", Shyamala Shukla, World Bank Institute PDF
Parallel clinic: Transforming urban and rural spaces through PPPs  
"The PURA Project – an overview", Arvind Mayaram, Additional Secretary & Financial Advisor, Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India PDF
"Transforming urban spaces through PPPs", Vipul Bhagat, International Finance Corporation PDF
"Peru: Transforming urban and rural spaces through PPPs", Carlos Herrera Perret, Investor Services Director, ProInversion PDF
Parallel clinic: Transport  
"Ruta del Sol: Lessons learned", Richard Cabello, Manager, International Finance Corporation PDF
Video case study: PPPs in urban revitalization: The experience of Barcelona link
Parallel clinic: Health  
"PPP Hospitals in Portugal: from the SNS Health Service perspective", Mariana Abrantes de Sousa, former Chief Financial Officer to Ministry of Health, Portugal PDF
"The Philippines Public-Private Partnership Program in Health", Teodoro Herbosa, Undersecretary, Ministry of Health, the Philippines PDF
"Case study: PPP in the Italian health sector", Massimo Ricchi, Lawyer and member of PPP Task Force, Presidency of the the Council of Ministers of Italy PDF
"Health sector PPP projects in Turkey", Seyit Yalçın, Planning Expert, Ministry of Development PDF


Presentations (Day 2) Media
Parallel clinic: National audit institutions and PPPs  
"Audits of public-private partnerships: an international survey", Frank Hoek, Audit Manager, Algemene Rekenkamer, the Netherlands PDF
Guilherme Henrique de La Rocque Almeida, Head of External Control, Tribunal de Contas da União, Brazil PDF
"National audit institutions and PPPs", Marcos Siqueira, Head of the PPP Unit, Government of Minas Gerais, Brazil PDF
Parallel clinic: Preparing PPP programmes  
"Preparing PPP programmes", James Neal, Managing Partner, Global Infrastructure Advisory, Ernst & Young PDF
"Project structuring at the BNDES", Henrique Costa Pinto, Head of Project Structuring, Brazilian Development Bank, Brazil PDF
"Preparing PPP programmes", David Duarte, Head of Contingent Liabilities and PPPs, Ministry of Finance, Chile PPT
Parallel clinic: Addressing governance risks  
"Findings from the questionnaire on revising the UNECE guidelines on good governance in PPP", Geoffrey Hamilton, Chief, Cooperation and Partnerships Section, UNECE PDF
"Addressing Governance Risk", James Ballingall, Infrastructure UK PDF
"PPP governance risk assessment", Tariq Niazi, Principal Public Management Specialist, Asian Development Bank PDF
"Towards an OECD recommendation on the public governance of PPPs", Mario Marcel, Deputy Director, Public Governance and Territorial Development, OECD PDF
Parallel clinic: Improving accountability in public spending: the experience with Output-Based Aid (OBA) and Results-Based Finance  
Short film: "Improving Lives in Morocco: Extending Access to Water and Sanitation Services to the Poor" link
Parallel clinic: Creating public sector capacity  
"PPPs in Uruguay: Institutional design and capacity strengthening", Adriana Rodriguez, Chairwoman, Corporación Nacional para el Desarrollo, Uruguay  PDF
"Capacity challenges in PPP programme and contract management", Mariana Abrantes de Sousa, Consultant, former Chief Financial Officer to Ministry of Health, Portugal PDF
"Creating public sector capacity in Japan", Yuji Nemoto, Head of PPP Research School, Toyo University, Japan PDF
"Creating Public Sector Capacity: the UK Experience", James Ballingall, Head of Assurance, Infrastructure UK, Government of the United Kingdom PDF
Parallel clinic: Contract management  
"Some lessons learned from Latin American countries", Lincoln Flor, Senior PPP Specialist, World Bank Institute PDF
"Governance – contract management", Andy Carty, Special Advisor, European PPP Expertise Centre PDF
"UNECE PPP Contract Management How-To Manual", David Dombkins, CEO, Complex Program Group PDF
"Public-private partnership contract management", Amir Ingratubun, Senior Procurement Specialist, Asian Development Bank  PPT


Presentations (Day 3) - Business Forum Media
Information Notice on PPP projects in selected countries presenting at the Business Forum PDF
"The case of water infrastructure of the Republic of Armenia", Gagik Khachatryan, Deputy Chairman, State Committee of Water Systems of the Republic of Armenia PDF
"Brazilian PPP program: Lessons and challenges", Vanialucia Lins Souto, Vice-Director, Brazilian PPP Unit PDF
"Investment opportunities: State of São Paulo public-private partnerships program", Tomas Bruginski, Governo de São Paulo PDF
"Public-private partnerships in Minas Gerais", Marcos Siqueira, Unidade PPP Minas Gerais PDF
Presentation of PPP projects by BNDES Brazilian development bank, Henrique Pinto, Project Structuring Division, BNDES PDF
"Which are the hot sectors for PPPs in Brazil?", Helcio Tokeshi, Estruturadora Brasileira de Projetos PDF
"Infrastructure projects", Luis Fernando Andrade Moreno, President, National Infrastructure Agency, Colombia PDF
"Framework for Public Private Partnerships in India", Aparna Bhatia, Director, PPP Cell, Ministry of Finance PDF
"THE ADB-GOI PPP Initiative: Mainstreaming PPPs In India since 2006", Anouj Mehta, Head of PPPs and Finance (India), Asian Development Bank PDF
"JICA’s Private Sector Partnership Activities", Machiko Kamiya, Senior Representative, Japan International Cooperation Agency PDF
"Recovery from 3.11 - Role of private sector: Bringing innovation and money", Nobuyuki Nagata, Partner, Deloitte Tohmatsu Financial Advisory Co., Ltd. PDF
"PPP in Disaster Risk Reduction: Examples from a Japanese company", Sandra Wu Wen-Hsiu, President and Chief Executive Officer, Kokusai Kogyo Group PDF
"PPP Days 2012: Japan Session", Yu Namba, Research Associate, Research Center for PPP, Toyo University PDF
Video: Footage from Michinoku, Disaster Response Helicopter, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism link
"PPP Days Country Presentation: PPP In Nigeria", Mansure Ahmed, Director General, Infrastructure Concession Regulatory Commission PDF
"Why invest in Peru", Carlos Herrera Perret, Investor Services Director, PROINVERSION PDF
"The Philippines' PPP Policy Framework", Cayetano W. Paderanga, Jr., Socioeconomic Planning Secretary, Philippines PDF
"The Philippine PPP Program", Cosette V. Canilao, Executive Director, Public-Private Partnership Center PDF
"Philippines National Statistics Office & Unisys Civil Registry System IT Project", Sanjeev Wadhwa, Unisys PDF
Russian Federation  
"Public-Private Partnership Practice in the Russian Federation", Hafiz Salikhov, Expert Council on PPP Legislation, State Duma of the Russian Federation PDF
"GLN Projects (Infrastructure & Finance) Practice Group: Russian PPP Concession Projects", Alexander Dolgov, Partner, Gide Loyrette Nouel PDF
"Turkish PPP Market in Numbers", Türker Yöndem, Moderator - Turkey Panel PDF
"Afken Holding Overview", Burak Kutluğ, Business Development Coordinator, Afken Holding PDF
"Ukraine: PPP opportunity and Investment Destination", Vladyslav Kaskiv, Head, State Agency for Investment and National Projects PDF
"Public-private partnership opportunities in Ukraine: Legislative, regulatory and institutional considerations", Valerii Iuzba, Deputy Chairman, Council of Entrepreneurs under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine PDF
"Public-Private Partnership in Ukraine: Legal Regulation", Kseniia Liapina, People's Deputy, Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (Parliament) PDF
"Kyiv - City of the Future", Oleksandr Masurchak, First Deputy Head of Kiev City Administration PDF
"Opportunities for realization of PPP-projects in the road sector of Ukraine", Tereziya Babych, State Road Agency of Ukraine PDF
"PPP development support programs in Ukraine", Irina Zapatrina, Chairman of the Board of the Ukrainian PPP Development Support Center



"Why Uruguay?", Silvina Panizza, Head of PPP Unit, Ministry of Economy and Finance PDF
"PPPs in Latin America: Recent experience", Daniel Benitez, Senior Economist, Transport Sector Unit of Latin-American and Caribbean, World Bank PDF
West and Central Africa  
"Projet de création d'un port sec multimodal dans l'agglomeration de Ouagadougou", Emmanuel Yoda, Directeur du Développement et de la Gestion des Infrastructures, Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie du Burkina Faso PDF
"Nouvel aéroport de Ouagadougou-Donsin", Hippolyte Lingani, Directeur Général de la Maîtrise d’Ouvrage de l’Aéroport de Donsin (MOAD), Burkina Faso PDF
"Incarner un aéroport différent, à taille humaine", Roger Forneris, Aéroports de Lyon PDF
"Presentation du processus des partenariats public-privé en Côte d'Ivoire et dans l'espace Afrique Francophone", Madeleine Yao, Conseiller Spécial, Ministre de l'Economie et des Finances, Côte d'Ivoire PDF
"Partenariats public-privé en Côte d'Ivoire: Centrale thermique Azito et projet de la côtière", Comité Nationale des Partenariats Public-privé", Côte d'Ivoire PDF
Presentations (Day 4 - TOS PPP & site visits) Media
Special Session on PPP "Virtual" Site Visits  
Video case study: PPP Project Neumatt: Cantonal Civic Center Burgdorf link
Introductory video: matrix of success factors (cross-sector) and an overview of case studies link
"Framework and first results of PPP “virtual” site visit project", Ansgar Kauf and Serge Bodart, Experts in Infrastructure Project Development, SECO-UNECE project PDF
Video case study: Manila Water Company PPP link
"Manila Water concession case study", Aura Abon, Regional and Sustainable Development Department, Asian Development Bank PDF
Video case study: Lesotho Hospital PPP link
"Lesotho Hospital PPP", Catherine O'Farrell and Elena Dana Burduja, IFC PPP Advisory Services PDF
Video case study: Outpatient Dialysis Services PPP (Romania) link
"Romania Dialysis PPP", Robert Taylor and Elena Dana Burduja, IFC PPP Advisory Services PDF
Video case study: National Kidney and Transplant Institute: Haemodialysis Center Project (Philippines) link
"Liaison Annecy Nord Express: a project to promote the Haute-Savoie region", Jacques Leca, Financial and Administrative Director, ADELAC, France PDF
"Building administrative capacity for viable PPP street-lighting projects - approach and pilots", Peter Wettengel, Partnerschaften Deutschland, Germany PDF
Team of Specialists on Public-Private Partnerships  
Under Agenda Item 4: "Policy advisory missions and capacity-building activities since the third session", Tony Bonnici, UNECE secretariat PDF
Under Agenda Item 5: "TOS PPP’s contribution to policy advisory services and capacity building activities in the coming months", Tony Bonnici, UNECE secretariat PDF