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PPP Schemes and Railways Financing

in cooperation with


The Workshop has been prepared by the secretariat with the cooperation of the Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER) and the International Union of Railways (UIC).
The subjects for discussion will address issues such as types of PPP schemes that can implemented on railway infrastructures, case studies and best practices in railway infrastructure financing, priorities and obstacles expressed by the railways organizations.
Also, the role of Governments and the international financial institutions in the planning, financing and construction of efficient railways infrastructure will be discussed.

Registration Form
Conclusions and Recommendations
Report of the Workshop
The International Organizations Perspective
Mr. Jan van SCHOONHOVEN, Executive Program Leader UNECE PPP Centre of Excellence: Public Private Partnerships & Rail
Mrs. Margit MOLNAR, Head of Competitiveness and Structural Analysis, OECD Development Centre: Financing of Railway Infrastructure
Mr. Edward CHRISTIE, Senior Economics Adviser of CER: Public Private Partnerships: A Rail Sector Perspective
The consultants Perspective
Mr. Jonathan BECKITT, Partner - Infrastructure & Project Finance Group, CMS Cameron McKenna LLP: PPP model for Rail projects
Mr.  Van WASSENAER, Allen and Overy: The Netherlands - Two Case Studies
The railways perspective
Mr. Gweltaz GUIAVARC’H, Head of Major Projects & PPP Support Service, Major Projects Division, RFF  France: PPP Projects for the Railways Network in France
Dr John C. MOURMOURIS, Professor, Head of the Department of International Economic Relations and Development, Democritus University of Thrace: Thriassio Pedio: Issues and challenges
Mr. Mukul Saran MATHUR, Representative of UIC, Executive Director  Traffic, PPP,  Ministry of Railways of India: Experiences with PPP in Rail Projects
The Banks perspective
Mr. Alfredo DIAZ, Expert on railway and PPP , European Investment Bank (EIB): EIB perspective on Public Private Partnerships Schemes and Railways Financing
Mrs. Martha B. LAWRENCE, Senior Railway Specialist, Sustainable Development Network, The World Bank Group: World Bank perspective on Public Private Partnerships Schemes and Railway Financing