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UNECE Ministerial Conference on Ageing

11 - 13 September 2002
Berlin Germany


The Conference

At the invitation of the Government of Germany, a regional Ministerial Conference on Ageing was held in Berlin, between 11 and 13 September 2002. The Conference was organized by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. It considered and adopted a Ministerial Declaration and a Regional Implementation Strategy for the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing 2002.


The International Plan of Action on Ageing

The International Plan of Action on Ageing adopted by the first World Assembly on Ageing in Vienna, Austria (1982) and endorsed by the United Nations General Assembly in its resolution 37/51 of 3 December 1982, was a corner-stone in recognizing ageing as one of the salient social, economic and demographic phenomena of our times. Although in many respects that was a pioneering document, the twenty years that have passed since its adoption faced the world with many new challenges. Recognizing that, the international community held a Second World Assembly on Ageing, in Madrid, Spain form 8 to 12 April 2002. It was devoted to an overall review of the outcome of the first World Assembly and aimed to advance the global ageing agenda beyond the 1982 Plan of Action, and to provide a blueprint for responding to the opportunities and challenges of population ageing in the 21st century and for the promotion of the concept of a "society for all ages". The Assembly adopted two main outcome documents -- a Political Declaration and the Madrid International Plan of Action, 2002, which commit governments to act to meet the challenge of ageing. The Madrid International Plan of Action includes policy recommendations, covering three main priority directions: older persons and development, advancing health and well-being into old age, and ensuring enabling and supportive environments.

List of Documents

Symbol Click icon/link to open/download [en] [fr] [ru]
ECE/AC.23/2002/5 Agenda PDF PDF PDF
ECE/AC.23/2002/8/Rev.1 Rules of Procedure PDF PDF PDF
ECE/AC.23/2002/INF.2 List of Participants PDF
ECE/AC.23/2002/3/Rev.2 Berlin Ministerial Declaration PDF PDF PDF
ECE/AC.23/2002/2/Rev.6 Regional Implementation Strategy for the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing 2002 PDF PDF PDF
ECE/AC.23/2002/9 Report of the Ministerial Conference on Ageing PDF PDF PDF


Statements and contributions

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Opening address
  Ms Brigita Schmögnerová, Executive Secretary, United Nations Economic Commission For Europe PDF
Statements by Member States
  Azerbaijan, Mr Ali NAGHIYEV, Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the Population PDF PDF
  Switzerland, Ms Ruth LUTHI, State Councillor PDF PDF
Statements by Observer Organizations
  International Labour Organization, Mr. Friedrich Buttler, Regional Director for Europe and Central Asia PDF
Statements on behalf of the accredited Non-Governmental Organisations delivered during the General Debate session
  Education and Life Long Learning - Structures to Enable Volunteering: Structures for Social Inclusion of Older People
Ms Sylvia Meehan, Older Women's Network in Europe
  Participation of older people - Human rights
Mr Antoni Bruel i Carreras, Red Cross, Spain
  North-south Sharing of Experience - Older People as actors in development /Development Issues within all countries/
Ms Sylvia Beales, HelpAge International
  Poverty and welfare - the right to a decent standard of living
Ms Ans Willemse-van der Ploeg, Unie KBO Netherlands
  Access to health care and education and training of primary health care workers regarding older persons
Ms Gloria Gutman, International Association of Gerontology
  Home Care/Day Care
Ms Catalina Tudose, Romanian Alzheimer Society , Romania
NGO declaration
Ms Hripsime Kirakosyan, Mission Armenia
Position paper
  European Union Geriatric Medicine Society (EUGMS) PDF