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How Generations and Gender Shape Demographic change

14 - 16 May 2008
Geneva Switzerland

Press Release ECE/GEN/08/P02, Geneva, 9 May 2008:

How Generations and Gender Shape Demographic Change Conference to discuss policies and new research findings, Geneva, 14-16 May 2008


Children and family are commonly associated with a happy and satisfied life. Recent European data suggest that many more people of reproductive age would like to form families and have children than actually do so, and many parents would like to have more children than they have. What role should public policy play regarding these issues? Should reconciling work and family life be the main avenue of policy? Concurrent with lower birth rates, European populations are ageing, which requires adaptation across all spheres of society. What are the best policy responses to these demographic trends, and how can research better support finding them?

The Conference on How Generations and Gender Shape Demographic Change is ...

... a forum for exchanges between policymakers and the research community on challenges related to demographic change. It will address key challenges in policy areas related to family and reproductive behaviour as well as intergenerational and gender relationships, reflect advances in knowledge in these areas, and provide guidance on the use of such knowledge in policymaking.




The Conference has received financial support from the Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities of the European Commission.

The conference participation is also supported by the United Nations Population Fund - UNFPA.



Information note on the Conference

English  PDF    Russian  PDF




Document Title ENG
Opening of the Conference
Mr Marek Belka, Executive Secretary, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe PDF  
Mr. Koço Barka, Minister of Labour, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, Albania    
Ms Urve Palo, Minister of Population and Ethnic Affairs, Estonia PDF  
Ms Liudmila Denisova, Minister of Labour and Social Policy, Ukraine PDF  
Policy discussion and research on generations and gender
Mr Andres Vikat, Chief of the Populations Activities Unit, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe PDF  
Ms Siri Tellier, Director, United Nations Population Fund Geneva Office PDF  
Mr Julius op de Beke, Socio-Economic Analyst, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, European Commission PDF  
Ms Agnes von Maravic, Head of Family Policies Section, Council of Europe PDF  
Panel Discussion (a): Very low birth rates
Chair/Moderator Ms Janina Józwiak, Director, Institute of Statistics and Demography, Warsaw School of Economics, Poland    
Rapporteur Ms Duška Kneževic Hocevar, Senior Research Fellow, Sociomedical Institute, Scientific Research Centre at the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Slovenia    
Keynote speech The happiness commonality: Fertility decisions in low-fertility settings
Mr Francesco C. Billari
Director and Professor, Carlo F. Dondena Centre for Research on Social Dynamics, Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi, Italy
Research contributions Are fertility intentions a relevant measure for policy purposes?
Mr Dimiter Philipov, Leader of Research Group on Comparative European Demography, Vienna Institute of Demography, Austria
  The spread of and access to infertility treatment in four GGP-countries
Ms Inge Pasteels, Research Centre for Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, University of Antwerp, Belgium
Policy statements Estonia: Ms Mare Ainsaar, Counsellor to the Minister of Population and Ethnic Affairs    
  Slovenia: Mr Janez Malacic, Professor, Faculty of Economics, Statistical Institute, University of Ljubljana    
Panel Discussion (b): Realities of parenthood and childbearing
Chair/Moderator Ms Siri Tellier, Director, United Nations Population Fund Geneva Office    
Rapporteur Mr Jürgen Dorbritz, Senior Researcher, Federal Institute for Population Research, Germany    
Keynote speech Realities of Parenthood and the Second Child
Ms Michaela Kreyenfeld
Professor, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research / Rostock University, Germany
Research contributions Transition to the second child in partnerships of different type in Russia
Mr Sergei V. Zakharov, Deputy Director, Institute of Demography, State University – Higher School of Economics, Russian Federation
  Realities of parenthood and childbearing: Second nest parents
Mr Gijs Beets, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute, The Netherlands
Policy statements Romania: Ms Ileana Carmen Manu, Director, Directorate of social services and social assistance rights, Specialist in geriatrics and gerontology, Ministry of Labour, Family and Equal Opportunities PDF  
  Slovenia: Ms Majda Erzar, Director General, Directorate for Family Affairs, Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs PDF  
Panel Discussion (c): Walking the tightrope of career and family
Chair/Moderator Mr Werner Haug, Director, Population Studies and Household Surveys, Swiss Federal Statistical Office, Switzerland    
Rapporteur Ms Martine Corijn, Research Center of the Flemish Government, Research Center of the Flemish Government, Belgium    
Keynote speech Work-family balance and childbearing intentions in France, Germany and Russia
Ms Ariane Pailhé
Head, Unit of Economic Demography, Institut National d´Etudes Démographiques, France
Research contributions Realization of fertility intentions: A focus on gender related labour market effects and on child related benefits
Mr Zsolt Spéder, Director, Demographic Research Institute, Hungarian Central Statistical Office, Hungary
  Relative employment positions of partners and gender relations in the framework of women-friendly policies in France and Russia
Ms Oxana Sinyavskaya, Deputy Director, Independent Institute for Social Policy, Russian Federation
Policy statements Germany: Ms Nina Parra, Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth PDF  
  Lithuania: Ms Violeta Murauskaite, Secretary, Ministry of Social Security and Labour PDF  
  France: Ms Jacqueline Gottely-Fayet, Responsable de la mission des études, de la recherche et des statistiques, Service des droits des femmes et de l'égalité PDF  
Panel Discussion (d): Breaking down barriers by integrating young people
Chair/Moderator Mr Helge Brunborg, Senior Researcher, Division for Social and Demographic Research, Statistics Norway, Norway    
Rapporteur Mr Arnstein Aassve, Professor, C.F. Dondena Centre for Research on Social Dynamics, Bocconi University, Italy    
Keynote speech Circumstances of Young Adults
Mr John Hobcraft
Professor, Department of Social Policy and Social Work, University of York, United Kingdom
Research contributions Transition to adulthood and leaving the parental home in the Czech Republic - consequences of housing affordability
Ms Sylva Höhne, Research Institute for Labour and Social Affairs, Czech Republic
  Recent trends in the formation of marital and non-marital unions in Russia, Romania, Bulgaria, and Hungary
Ms Aiva Jasilioniene, Laboratory of Demographic Data, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Germany
Policy statements United Nations Population Fund: Mr Christopher Grollman, Youth policy researcher, CST Bratislava PDF  
Panel Discussion (e): In the age of old age
Chair/Moderator Ms Pearl Dykstra, Professor, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute, The Netherlands    
Rapporteur Mr Patrick Deboosere, Research Associate, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium    
Keynote speech In the age of old age - Living arrangements and family relationships affecting social integration of older adults in West, Central and East Europe
Ms Jenny Gierveld
Professor Emeritus, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute, The Netherlands
Research contributions The realisation of ‘active ageing’ in four European countries
Ms Kim Boudiny, Research Centre for Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, University of Antwerp, Belgium
  Taking health into account in the analysis of intergenerational relations: a comparison of France and Germany
Mr Jacques Légaré, Professor Emeritus, Department of Demography, University of Montreal, Canada
Policy statements Canada: Ms Kathy O'Hara, Senior Associate Deputy Minister, Human Resources and Social Development Canada    
  Finland: Ms Päivi Voutilainen, Development Manager, Department for Family and Social Affairs, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health PDF  
Panel Discussion (f): Solidarity between and within generations
Chair/Moderator Ms Marja-Liisa Parjanne, Ministerial Counsellor, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Finland    
Rapporteur Ms Oxana Sinyavskaya, Deputy Director, Independent Institute for Social Policy, Russian Federation    
Keynote speech Population ageing and intergenerational solidarity - Public opinion about the family-welfare state balance
Mr Svein Olav Daatland
Research Professor, NOVA – Norwegian Social Research, Norway
Research contributions Filial obligations in a cross-national perspective
Ms Pearl A. Dykstra, Professor, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute, The Netherlands
  Cross-national comparison of the availability for familial support for elderly people
Mr Robert Naderi, Federal Institute for Population Research, Germany
Policy statements Armenia: Ms Galina Poghosyan, Chief Specialist, Family, Children and Women Issues Department Ministry of Labour and Social Issues PDF  
  Greece: Ms Kallirroi Nicolis, Expert in Geriatric Issues, Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity    
  United Kingdom: Mr Ian Moss, Head of Strategy Unit, Strategy Directorate, Department for Work and Pensions PDF  
Panel Discussion (g): Moving towards gender equality
Chair/Moderator Ms Jacqueline Gottely-Fayet, Responsable de la mission des études, de la recherche et des statistiques, Service des droits des femmes et de l'égalité, France    
Rapporteur Ms Romina Fraboni, Researcher, Istituto Nazionale di Statistica, Italy    
Keynote speech Moving towards gender equality
Ms Gerda Neyer
Head of the Laboratory of Population and Policy, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Germany
Research contributions Is the Czech Republic moving outwards gender equality?
Ms Jitka Rychtaríková, Professor, Department of Demography and Geodemography, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
  Demographic change and filial responsibility – a comparative exploration
Ms Britt Slagsvold, Senior Researcher, NOVA – Norwegian Social Research, Norway
  Gender roles and gender asymmetry in Georgia and France
Ms Irina Badurashvili, Director, Georgian Centre of Population Research, Georgia
Policy statements Czech Republic: Ms Katerina Príhodová, Head of Family Policy Department, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs PDF  
  Germany: Mr Christian Hoenisch, Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth PDF  
  Moldova: Mr Sergiu Sainciuc, Deputy Minister of Economy and Trade PDF  



Document Title   ENG FRE RUS
Report, including the chairperson's summary and list of speakers
Annotated agenda
Policy discussion and research on generations and gender
List of participants   PDF   —   —
Reference material
Generations and Gender Programme: concepts and guidelines
      Preface and contents   PDF   —   —
      Part I: Survey concept and design   PDF   —   —
      Part II: Contextual database   PDF   —   —
European Population Forum (Geneva, 2004): summary of deliberations
Ministerial Conference on Ageing (León, 2007): report, including the Declaration
Regional Implementation Strategy for the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (MIPAA/RIS)