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Ageing : a Challenge and an opportunity for the countries of Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia

13 - 16 March 2007
Chisinau Republic of Moldova

The UNECE PAU and the Division for Arab States, Europe, and Central Asia of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) organized a workshop to develop capacities for ageing related work of governmental and UNFPA focal points in Eastern and South-eastern Europe, the Caucasus, and Central Asia and to exchange experiences. The workshop was hosted by UNFPA Country Office in Moldova and took place in Chisinau from 13 to 16 March 2007.

Working languages were English and Russian, with simultaneous translation.
Рабочие языки - английский и русский; синхронный перевод.

Report of the training workshop on ageing


  • Improve understanding of how to identify and analyze challenges and opportunities related to ageing and demographic change
  • Improve understanding of the UNECE Regional Implementation Strategy (RIS) of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (MIPAA)
  • Improve understanding of how to implement and monitor commitments of MIPAA/RIS
  • Provide knowledge for developing action plans projects related to ageing
  • Provide guidance for drafting country reports on national follow-up to MIPAA/RIS




  Introduction to the meeting programme, objectives and expected results   Andres Vikat
  MIPAA/RIS : An overview of activities in the UNECE countries with focus
  on the EECCA countries
  Holger Osterrieder
  MIPAA: What is it all about?   Alexandre Sidorenko   UN Programme on Ageing PDF PDF
  The Demographic Factor   Dimiter Philipov   Vienna Institute of Demography PDF PDF
  How to consider the components of demographic change in policymaking?   Dimiter Philipov   Vienna Institute of Demography PDF PDF
  Social policies and population ageing   Joseph Troisi
  Pension Challenges and Pension Reforms for the countries of Eastern Europe,
  Caucasus and Central Asia
  Asghar Zaidi
  European Centre
  What is the bottom-up approach and how it can be implemented in MIPAA/RIS
  review and appraisal?
  Mandy Heslop PDF PDF
  Mainstreaming ageing in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia: Challenges
  and opportunities
  Nikolai Botev   UNFPA, Slovakia PDF PDF
          Country Presentations
          Support to pro poor development policies and social inclusion of elderly   Bosnia and Herzegovina PDF PDF
          National demographic strategy   Bulgaria PDF PDF
          The great generation of Kazakhstan: insight into the future   Kazakhstan PDF PDF
          Ageing in Moldova: challenges and opportunities for better life   Moldova PDF PDF
          Legal Framework Regarding a Minimum Income, Health and Care Services
          for Older Persons
  Romania PDF  
          Bottom up appproach in building national capacities
          – M&E MIPAA/RIS
  Serbia PDF PDF
          Ageing of the population   Tajikistan PDF PDF
  MIPAA+5 Bottom-Up Review in South East Europe   Eppu Mikkonen-Jeanneret
  HelpAge International