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Expert Meeting on Human Resources Management and Training

14 - 16 October 2024
United Nations Geneva Switzerland

About the meeting

The purpose of the meeting is to discuss and share best practices in human resources management and training among the National Statistical Offices (NSOs). Delegates will be invited to contribute to the advancement of internationally coordinated efforts in the field of human resources management and training.

The target audience of the meeting includes senior and middle-level managers responsible for the human resources management and training, data analytics, culture, ethics 
and communication domains, in their respective organizations.

The programme of the meeting will cover the following topics:

  • ‘Employer of Choice’ brand development
  • Training, learning and development
  • Integration, inclusion and ethics
  • Evaluation of hybrid working and data analytics


Detailed information and examples of topics to be covered in the meeting, registration, contributions and other organizational aspects can be found in this information notice #1: PDF