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Training workshop on practical application of strategic environmental assessment for representatives of executive authorities and local self-government authorities

25 - 26 October 2016
Kyiv Ukraine

The training workshop on practical application of strategic environmental assessment (SEA) in Ukraine is organized by the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine in cooperation with the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the project "Partnership for Local Economic Development and Democratic Governance" (PLEDDG) within the framework of the EU-funded Programme 'Greening the Economies in the Eastern Neighborhood' (EaP-GREEN). The logistical support is provided by Law-Making and Information Technologies Institute NGO (Ukraine).

The two-day workshop will gather up to 35 participants and is targeted at the representatives of the regional (Oblast) and local (city) planning authorities of four Oblasts of Ukraine, i.e., Vinnytska, Zaporizhska, Ivano-Frankivska, and Poltavska Oblasts, that are part of the PLEDDG, as well as at the environmental and health authorities from the regional administration of these four oblasts.

The objectives of the workshop are:

  • to raise awareness and build capacities of regional environmental and health authorities, and regional and local planning authorities from four Oblasts of Ukraine involved in the PLEDDG's SEA component, on the SEA procedure as per the Law of Ukraine on SEA and the UNECE Protocol on SEA;
  • to discuss the content of the Draft SEA Guidelines prepared within the framework of EaP-GREEN and to gather feedback on its feasibility within the national context; and
  • to enhance the capacities of the regional environmental and health authorities and regional and local planning authorities from four Oblasts of Ukraine involved in the PLEDDG's SEA component in undertaking the scoping as per the Law of Ukraine on SEA and Draft SEA Guidelines.

As a result of the workshop, the participants will get familiar with:

  • the SEA procedure as required by the Law of Ukraine on SEA and the Protocol on SEA;
  • the roles and responsibilities envisioned by the Law on SEA as well as recommended by the SEA Guidelines following the best international practice;
  • selected methodological aspects of SEA; and
  • the SEA scoping procedure and approaches to the preparation of the SEA scoping reports.

 The workshop envisions a set of practical exercises and interactive sessions that will be delivered by the trainers from the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine, UNECE SEA international consultant, and national environmental experts from PLEDDG.


Document title      
Background documents      
Agenda ENG   UKR



List of Participants


Introduction to the Protocol on SEA and EaP GREEN Programme

Ms. Elena Santer, EaP GREEN Project Manager, UNECE Secretariat to the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context and its Protocol on SEA


Introduction to the Protocol on SEA and SEA internationally: use, prevalence, perception and benefits

Ms. Elena Santer, EaP GREEN Project Manager, UNECE Secretariat to the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context and its Protocol on SEA


Main requirements of Law of Ukraine on Strategic Environmental Assessment

Ms. Natalia Trofimenko, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Ukraine 


The strategic planning process and the integration of SEA into the process of strategic planning: national requirements and practical considerations

Ms. Natalia Trofimenko and Mr. Olexandr Tarasenko, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Ukraine


Setting the scope of SEA: National requirements, international practice and practical considerations

Dr. Maia Gachechiladze-Bozheski, National SEA Team Leader and International SEA Consultant to UNECE


How to prepare the terms of reference for SEA: practical considerations

Dr. Maia Gachechiladze-Bozheski, National SEA Team Leader and International SEA Consultant to UNECE


Methodology of SEA in the basis of Ukrainian experience

Dr. Gennadii Marushevskyi, Local Environment Consultant to PLEDDG


SEA Report: National requirements and practical considerations

Dr. Vyacheslav Potapenko, Lead Author of the Methodological recommendations of SEA in Ukraine and National SEA Expert to UNECE


The participation of the competent authorities, the public and stakeholders in SEA

Mr. Olexandr Tarasenko, Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine


Taking into account the SEA results in Strategic documents

Dr. Vyacheslav Potapenko, Lead Author of the Methodological recommendations of SEA in Ukraine and National SEA Expert to UNECE
