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Subregional Workshop "Feasibility of the application of a transboundary environmental impact assessment procedure as a tool for “greening” economies and ensuring sustainable investments in Central Asian countries"

04 June 2018
Tashkent Uzbekistan

All five Central Asian countries are member States of ECE, but to date only two of them, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, are Parties to the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (Espoo Convention). As Parties to the Convention, they have specific mutual obligations to carry out a transboundary impact assessment procedure following the Espoo Convention requirements. However, countries face challenges related to the application of the transboundary EIA procedure at the national and sub-regional level due to absence of relevant legislative framework. In this context, it is important to provide capacity-building support to countries to strengthen their legal framework related to EIA procedures. Capacity building activities are also relevant for non-Parties (Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan), as the Convention covers transboundary issues.

To overcome shortcoming on the legislation, UNECE has been supporting the process of developing guidelines that would serve as a tool for Central Asian countries for the practical implementation of transboundary EIA procedures in accordance with the Espoo Convention. This legal instrument is aimed to develop efficient mitigation measures to reduce anticipated negative environmental impact.

The objective of this activity is to build capacity on the use of the UNECE Guidelines on environmental impact assessment in a transboundary context for Central Asian countries (2018) in order to facilitate the application of EIA in Central Asia as a tool for greening the economies.

Document title
Agenda ENG RUS
List of participants ENG RUS



Updated “Guidelines on Environmental Impact Assessment in a transboundary context for Central Asian Countries”

Ms. Saltanat Zhakenova, Regional Environmental Center for Central Asia 


Introduction to the international legal framework on environmental assessment
Mr. Jerzy Jendroska, former member of the Espoo Convention Implementation Committee, Professor, Environmental Law, Opole University, Poland


Transposing international obligations on transboundary environmental assessment into national legislative frameworks based on OVOS/Expertize system

Mr. Jerzy Jendroska


Application of transboundary EIA in the UNECE region

Russian Federation

Ms. Marina Khotuleva, international EIA expert


Application of EIA and SEA in a context of management of the shared water resources of the Danube River 

Mr. Felix Zakharia, former Chair of the Espoo Convention Implementation Committee, Legal adviser of the Danube Commission

Background materials    
Updated guidelines on environmental impact assessment in a transboundary context for Central Asian countries ENG RUS
General guidance on enhancing consistency between the Convention and environmental impact assessment within State ecological expertise in countries of Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia ENG RUS
Transboundary procedure under the Espoo Convention (Graph) ENG RUS

Environmental Impact Assessment procedure under EIA Directive Annex I projects + projects subject to EIA according to categorical screening (Graph)


Environmental Impact Assessment procedure under EIA Directive Annex II projects subject to individual screening (Graph)

Environmental Impact Assessment in Free Market Economy and in Centrally Planned Economy (Graph) ENG RUS
Report ENG