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Workshop on Transboundary Accidental Water Pollution, Liability and Compensation: Challenges and Opportunities

21 May (10:00) - 22 May (18:00) 2007
Budapest Hungary

Workshop documentation , speeches and presentations.

Document Title ENG RUS

Information Notice

Preliminary Agenda PDF PDF
Background Paper PDF PDF
List of Participants RTF
Speeches and Presentations
Opening statement by Mr. Kaj Barlund, Director, Environment, Housing and Land Management, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
Opening statement by Mr. Kálmán Kovács, Senior State Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Water, Hungary
Water pollution accidents with transboundary effects and their legal consequences addressed by officers of the Ministry of Environment and Water, Hungary
Mr. Péter Kovács
Ms. Zsuzsa Kocsis-Kupper
How to assess damage, including environmental damage Speaker: Mr. Giuseppe Di Marco and Angelo Maggiore, Italian National Agency for Environmental Protection and Technical Services
Experts’ presentations on the different situations in the region related to the implementation of liability regimes and to the steps taken towards ratification of the Protocol on Civil Liability, including related problems and concerns
Dr. Gábor Baranyai, Hungary
Mrs. Svetlana Stirbu, Moldova
Challenges and opportunities for the insurance sector Mr. Piotr Wojcik, HDI-Gerling Poland Insurance Company
The role of the chemical industry between prevention and remediation Speaker: Mrs. Anne Rose Lambers, European Chemical Industry Council