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Data Collection and the impact, challenges and opportunities of the COVID-19 pandemic

05 - 08 October 2020
Virtual Geneva Switzerland

For more information about the virtual meeting, please visit the workshop wiki


  Document Title Documents Presentations
Day 1 - Tuesday 6 October: Irene Salemink - Statistics Netherlands (Chair)
  Welcome and opening remarks UNECE and Chair of the 2020 Workshop.  Taeke Gjaltema (UNECE) and Chair of the Workshop, Ian O'Sullivan (ONS, United Kingdom)    
  Statistical data collection in lockdown situation. Vesa Virtanen (Statistics Finland)   Presentation
  ONS social surveys response to Covid-19. Martina Portanti, Veronique Siegler and Helen Moore (ONS, United Kingdom)   Presentation
  The survey on the impact of the pandemic on Italian companies: the data collection's point of view. Paola Bosso, Silvana Curatolo, Gabriella Fazzi, Manuela Murgia and Alessandra Nuccitelli (Istat, Italy)   Presentation
  Government COVID-19 Dashboard. Kieran Culhane (CSO, Ireland)   Presentation
  Experiences gained as a result of TurkStat Survey on ICT Usage in Households and by Individuals carried out by CATI for the first time in 2020. Bilal Kurban (Turkstat, Turkey) PDF Presentation
  Implementing Alternative Modes of Data Collection to Overcome Covid-19 Challenges. Zak Bratcher (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)   Presentation
  Experiment on CAPI interviewing considering Covidmeasures. Goele Goris (Statistics Netherlands)   Presentation
  Measures to mitigate the impact on ongoing and planned census and surveys. Edgar Vielma Orozco (INEGI, Mexico)   Presentation
Day 2 - Wednesday 7 October: Hakki Aydogdu - Turkish Statistical Institute (Chair)
  Welcome. Chair of the Workshop, Ian O'Sullivan (ONS, United Kingdom)    
  Communication with data providers and respondents. Dominik Rozkrut (Statistics Poland)   Presentation
  Online testing in corona time, to develop a portal for business respondents. Leanne Houben, Nyree Lemmens and Deirdre Giesen (Statistics Netherlands)   Presentation
  Communication with respondents during the COVID-19 pandemic. Sara Demofonti and Cecilia Gandolfo   Presentation
  Response Rate during A Pandemic. Jóhanna Margrét Sigurðardóttir and Lárus Blöndal (Statistics Iceland) PDF Presentation
  Collection in the Time of Corona: Mitigating the Impact of COVID-19. Ursula Oliver (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)   Presentation
Day 3 - Thursday 8 October: Lise Rivais - Statistics Canada (Chair)
  Welcome and recap discussions. Ian O'Sullivan (Chair)    
  Impacts of the closure of economic activities and the use of the IGC and agile work in the propensity to participate in the business surveys (structural&short term) underway during the pandemic. Giampaola Bellini, Silvia Binci and Massimo Piaggesi (Istat, Italy) PDF Presentation
  Extraordinary solutions concerning data collection in the Polish official statistics during the COVID-19 pandemic. Agnieszka Prochot, Jerzy Gajewski, Anna Pawlak (Statistics Poland)   Presentation
  Rapid Change in Data Collection - Problems and Solutions. Fiona O'Riordan (CSO Ireland)   Presentation
  Tackling increased non-response, change of mode and wave effects in the LFS during the COVID-19 crisis. Carlo Lucarelli (Eurostat) PDF Presentation
  Data Collection & the Impact, challenges and opportunities of the COVID-19 pandemic. Jean Labbé and Lise Rivais (Statistics Canada)   Presentation
  Challenges on the Production and Dissemination of Economic Statistics during the COVID-19 pandemic in Mexico. Arturo Blancas (INEGI, Mexico)   Presentation
  The impact of Covid-19 emergency on ISTAT data collection- transient and permanent effects. Giampaola Bellini, Loredana De Gaetano, Giovanni Gualberto Di Paolo, Francesca Monetti, Pasquale Papa (speaker), Federica Pellizzaro, Rita Ranaldi (Istat, Italy) PDF Presentation
  Impact on partnerships or collaborations in response to the pandemic. Jay Mousa (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)   Presentation
Day 4 - Friday 9 October: Andrea Ascheri - Eurostat (Chair)
  Monitoring of Death Notices. John Flanagan (CSO, Ireland)   Presentation
  Rapid redesign of the Opinions survey: an enabler of evidence-based policy making in a time of crisis. Ian O'Sullivan, Andrew Phelps, Becky Samuels and Sian-Elin Wyatt (ONS, United Kingdom)   Presentation
  New role for official statistics in Times of Covid-19. Branko Josipovic (SORS, Statistical Office of Serbia)   Presentation
  The Web Intelligence Hub and opportunities in the context of COVID-19. Fernando Reis (Eurostat)   Presentation