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High-level Seminar on Modernization of Statistical Production and Services

03 - 05 October 2012
St. Petersburg Russian Federation
Document Title
Documents  Presentations
INF.1 Information Notice  1 PDF      
INF.2 Information Notice  2 PDF      
  Provisional Agenda (draft) PDF PDF    
  Abstracts PDF PDF    
  Final Report PDF      
Session 1: Challenges Modernizing Statistical Production        
  Modernizing statistics : The Vision and strategy of the HLG-BAS     PDF PDF
  Making it happen : Implementing the strategy     PDF PDF
  Opportunities for new products and services     PDF PDF
  Managing organizational change and human resources implications     PDF PDF
  Streamlining production of official statistics in a supranational context     PDF PDF
Session 2: Adapting the Business Architecture for Streamlining Statistical Production Processes        
  Overview of standards based modernization     PDF PDF
  New methods of data collection     PDF PDF
  Concrete objectives of streamlining production processes and tools on the example of Kazakhstan     PDF PDF
  Harnessing new data sources     PDF PDF
Session 3: Streamlining Production of Official Statistics - Centralized vs. Decentralized Systems        
  Centralized statistics from decentralized administrative registers     PDF PDF
  Strategy for the reform of the National Statistical System of Ukraine     PDF PDF
  Modernizing statistical production in a federal state     PDF PDF
  The regulations for the coordination of the National system of statistical and geographical information of Mexico     PDF PDF
Session 4: Integrated Economic Statistics        
  A “Soup to Nuts” Guide for Modernizing and Integrating the Production and Dissemination of Statistics     PDF PDF
  Towards improved coherence of economic statistics     PDF PDF
  Statistical business registers as a prerequisite for integrated economic statistics     PDF PDF
  Implementation of integrated economic statistics principles in the Russian statistical practice     PDF PDF
Session 5: Concluding Session: The Way Forward        
  The way forward     PDF PDF