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Group of experts on population and housing censuses

30 September - 02 October 2015
Palais des Nations Geneva Switzerland
Document Title
Documents Presentations
1 Provisional agenda PDF PDF PDF  
  Tentative Timetable (of 23 September) PDF      
INF.1 Information Note PDF
2 Report of the meeting PDF PDF PDF  
Item 1 - Update on the preparations for the 2020 census round at the UN level

WP 24
From the 2010 to the 2020 census round in the UNECE region - Plans by countries on census methodology and technology (UNECE)
  The 2020 World Programme on Population and Housing Censuses and the Principles and Recommendations, Rev.3 (UNSD)       PPT
  Item 2 - Efficient approaches for the census in a time of increasing financial constraints        
10 Reducing the Cost for the 2020 Decennial Census of the United States (United States) PDF PDF PDF PPT
16 The Value of Census Statistics in England and Wales (United Kingdom) PDF   PDF PPT
19 Transformation of Australian People Statistics (Australia) PDF   PDF PPT
  Item 3 - Innovations planned for 2020 census round, and results of tests        
15 2021 Population and housing census in the Republic of Serbia – moving forward (Serbia) PDF   PDF  
  a. censuses based mainly on direct collection        
5 Plans for the 2016 Canadian Census, related to tests (Canada) PDF PDF PDF PPT
12 Changing Times, Changing Methods, Changing Technologies: Innovation and Testing for the U. S. 2020 Population and Housing Census (United States) PDF     PPT
17 Research for 2021 Census England and Wales: possible innovations under consideration (United Kingdom) PDF     PPT
20 Big crocs, big snakes and small Censuses - the story of Australia's digital-first Census (Australia) PDF     PPT
  b. censuses based mainly on registers        
4 The First Round of the Rolling Integrated Census in Israel –Methodology, Results and Flaws (Israel) PDF PDF PDF PPT
7 The combined use of multiple data sources in the population census (Italy) PDF PDF PDF PPT
8 Innovations preparing for the Population and Housing Census 2021 in Latvia (Latvia) PDF PDF PDF PPT
11 Family Generation by registers – approved methods and improvements for the Austrian Census 2021 (Austria) PDF     PPT
  Item 4 - Experiences with census users: who they are, what they need, how they are involved        
6 Describing migration and integration processes using statistical registers. The Swiss experience (Switzerland) PDF PDF PDF PPT
9 Users’ requirements: Planning for content of the 2016 Canadian Census Program (Canada) PDF PDF PDF PPT
9/Add.1 Appendix to ECE/CES/GE.41/9 PDF      
21 Using the Swiss and French census systems in the context of cross-border statistics (France, Switzerland) PDF PDF   PPT
WP. 22 Use of the census by local communities (France) PDF PDF   PPT
  Item 5 - Grid statistics: opportunities and challenges        
3 Innovative products for disseminating geographical information (part II) (Spain) PDF PDF PDF PPT
13 Ireland from Boundary Geography to Geo referenced Dwellings in Census 2011 (Ireland) PDF     PPT
18 Grid statistics: opportunities and challenges (Poland) PDF     PPT
  European population grids, from Models to Official Statistics       PPT
  Item 6 - Expected issues in complying with the new CES Recommendations (particularly by countries using registers or surveys) and results of work to address them        
14 Deriving labour force characteristics from multiple sources in the Register-based Census of Slovenia (Slovenia) PDF     PPT
WP.23 Conference of European Statisticians Recommendations for the 2020 Censuses of Population and Housing (UNECE) PDF   PDF