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Workshop on Human Resources Management and Training: Developing Capabilities for the Future

07 - 09 September 2016
Krakow Poland


Document Title
Documents Presentations
  Information Notice 1 PDF      
  Information Notice 2 PDF      
  Preliminary agenda PDF PDF    
  Report PDF      
Session 1: Opening session
  High Level Group activities in 2015-2016     PDF  
  Modernization Committee on Organizational Frameworks and Evaluation activities in 2015-2016    
Guidelines on Risk Management practices in Statistical Organisations - Second draft

  Guidelines for Managers





Big Data Team Leader competency
  Big Data Team competency PDF      
  Competence glossary, SCO of Poland PDF      
  The book of competence profiles, CSO of Poland PDF      
Session 2: Poster session: practical training and learning materials and methods
  Finland: Renewing organisational culture and procedures by developing management and supervisory work     PDF  
  Italy: E-learning and blended learning in ISTAT     PDF  
  Tajikistan: Restoration of the Statistics Agency Training centre     PDF PDF
  Belarus: Upskilling of staff in state statistics bodies of the Republic of Belarus     PDF PDF
  Italy: Training paths: the one to one techniques     PDF  
Session 3: Staff motivation/employee engagement
  Portugal: An organisational development plan focused on people - increasing staff satisfaction and motivation PDF   PDF  
  Hungary: Retention possibilities of Y generation staff in the Hungarian Central Statistical Office PDF   PDF  
  Slovakia: Possibilities of influence of staff with Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic PDF   PDF  
  Kyrgyzstan: Human Resources Management in the National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic     PDF PDF
  Netherlands: Staff motivation at Statistics Netherlands PDF   PDF  
Session 4: Managing human resources in the context of modernisation
  Italy: From planning change to getting cooperation and trust: the role of internal communication     PDF  
  Poland: Human resources management in modern statistics PDF   PDF  
  Montenegro: Managing Human Resources in the context of modernisation PDF   PDF  
  Poland: Integrating tools for managing modernisation of statistical production in Poland - acquiring new skills and competencies PDF   PDF  
  Sweden: Modernising National Statistical Offices - what, how and results PDF   PDF  
  Turkey: Workload analysis at the Regional Offices PDF   PDF  
Session 5: Organisational barriers to international cooperation in the context of HRMT
  Presentation of the Task Team on organisational barriers to international cooperation PDF   PPT  
Session 6: Capabilities development
  UNECE: Introduction to capabilities     PDF  
  Italy: Training and change management: competencies development to support the modernisation process at Istat     PDF  
  Poland: Strengthening analytical potential of official statistics PDF   PDF  
  Norway: Training program for managers: Taking Lean one step further PDF   PDF  
Session 7: Summary of the workshop and concluding remarks
Special session for the EECCA countries and Mongolia