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Meeting of the Group of Experts on Population and Housing Censuses

04 - 06 October 2017
Palais des Nations Geneva Switzerland

Document Title
Documents Presentations
1 Annotated provisional agenda PDF PDF PDF    
  Tentative Timetable ATTENTION: Limited time available for presentations: 12 minutes for items 3, 4 and 8; 15 minutes for the other items PDF        
INF.1 Information Note PDF        
  Item 2. Innovations in census methodology and use of new data sources
3 Mass imputation for Census estimation (Netherlands) PDF   PDF PDF  
4 Future EU Census programme: 2021 EU Census (Eurostat) PDF   PDF PDF  
5 Administrative data and sample surveys’ data usage for determination of economic activity of population in register based Population and Housing Census in Latvia (Latvia) PDF   PDF PDF  
6 The implementation of new data sources to increase the coverage of data on housing stocks in Poland (Poland) PDF   PDF PDF  
7 Overcoming barriers to effective and efficient enumeration in the 2020 Census (United States of America) PDF   PDF PDF  
13 The use of continuity patterns in administrative data to define the usually resident population in Italy (Italy) PDF   PDF PDF  
25 The combined census model in Germany – origins, lessons learned and future perspectives (Germany) PDF     PDF  
27 Estimation of the Total Population in the 2020 Integrated Census in Israel (Israel) PDF     PDF  
33 Update on Progress Towards an Admin Data Census (United Kingdom) PDF     PDF  
20 Draft UNECE Guidelines on the use of registers and administrative data for population and housing censuses PDF   PDF PDF  
21 Future EU census programmes: beyond 2021 (Eurostat) PDF   PDF    
  Item 3. Innovations in census technology
8 Issues in protecting raw data when implementing technological innovations in the census (Russian Federation) PDF   PDF PDF  
9 2020 Population and Housing Census Planning, innovations in the use of technology (Mexico) PDF   PDF PDF  
29 The French online census (France) PDF     PDF  
30 The use of electronic data collection in the 2021 Census for England and Wales PDF     PDF  
  Item 4. Evaluating the census and measuring data quality
10 Census quality control (performance, lessons learned and directions for the next PES) (Croatia) PDF   PDF    
11 Quality measurement in the state information systems and databases (Estonia) PDF   PDF PDF  
12 A procedure for assessing quality of variables in a register-based census (Spain) PDF   PDF PDF  
24 Lessons learned from household data quality assessment in the 2011 Czech Census (Czechia) PDF     PDF  
34 Quality Assessment of the Population and Housing Census 2014 in the Republic of Moldova (Republic of Moldova) PDF     PDF  
  Item 5. Meeting users’ needs
16 Factors impacting the wishes of census data users (Estonia) PDF   PDF PDF  
28 Development of flexible dissemination for 2021 Census (United Kingdom) PDF     PDF  
  Presentation on the census consultation process in Canada (Margaret Michalowski, Statistics Canada)       PDF PDF
  Item 6. Production and dissemination of geo-referenced census data
18 Creation and dissemination of spatial census data by Central Statistical Office of Poland (Poland) PDF   PDF PDF  
19 Disseminating data from the 2021 EU census collection geo-referenced to a 1km² grid (Eurostat) PDF   PDF PDF  
22 Addresses, buildings and housing units in the new base register of the geographical units of Italy (Italy) PDF     PDF  
  Item 7. Cooperation models among countries
14 The International Census Forum – One Example of a Cooperation Model (United States of America) PDF   PDF PDF  
15 Baltic Population and Housing Census Seminars as cooperation model to study experiences and to develop future strategies for Censuses in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania (Estonia, Latvia & Lithuania) PDF   PDF PDF  
  Report on cooperation models within the European Statistical System (Background document from Eurostat) PDF     PDF  
  Item 8. Integration between census and social surveys
23 Census and Social Surveys Integrated System (Italy) PDF     PDF  
31 IPUMS Approach to Harmonizing International Census and Survey Data (IPUMS: University pf Minnesota) PDF     PDF  
  Item 9. Sustainable Development Goals’ needs and censuses
17 Using population censuses to measure Sustainable Development Goal indicators in the CIS countries (CIS-Stat) PDF   PDF PDF  
26 Meeting the Sustainable Development Goals in Myanmar using data collected in the 2014 Census PDF     PDF