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Towards the implementation of the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development: housing management, energy efficiency in buildings and sustainable urban development

21 - 24 May 2019
Minsk Belarus

Venue: Academy of Management under the President of Republic of Belarus, Minsk

The training workshop is aimed to develop capacity of representatives of national and local authorities from countries of Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia in approaches to developing and implementing policies on affordable and energy efficient housing and smart sustainable cities.

The event is organized by the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus, the Academy of Public Administration under the aegis of the President of the Republic of Belarus, UNECE Housing and Land Management Unit, UNDP Office in Belarus and UN-Habitat.


 ENG     RUS


Title and presenter ENG   RUS
Day 1
Session I. Aligning with 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development and the New Urban Agenda

Belarus and the SDGs: Work to Achieve Global Goals at the National Level
Larisa Belskaya, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Belarus




UNECE Approaches to Data Collection and Analysis for Sustainable Urban Policies
Gulnara Roll, UNECE




Session II. Housing tenure and management systems

Management of apartment buildings in the Russian Federation
Irina Gentsler, Institute for Urban Economics, Russian Federation




Experience of Estonia
Andres Jaadla, Estonian Union of Homeowner Associations



Towards greater energy efficiency with full renovation of a residential building - Vilde 70
Anvar Kima, Estonian Union of Homeowner Associations



Housing maintenance and management practices in Armenia
Arsen Karapetyan, "Development Solutions Institute" Foundation



Improving the management of multi-family residential buildings in the Republic of Belarus
Andrei Romashko, Housing Management Department, Ministry of Housing and Communal Services, Republic of Belarus



The involvement of small and medium businesses in the management and maintenance of housing in Kazakhstan
Alexander Belyi, UNDP Kazakhstan



Vision of the Future - Managing Joint Households in the Republic of Belarus in 10 years
Gennady Kalyonov, International Association of Real Estate Management (IAMC)



Professional Housing Management as a Necessary Component of the Sustainable Development of Green Cities/EU "Pro House" Project in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan
Larissa Schreckenbach and Gennady Kalyonov, PRO HOUSE



Day 2
Session III . Towards the Smart Sustainable Cities

Key Performance Indicators for Smart Sustainable Cities
Gulnara Roll, UNECE



Complex invest models for urban development
Irina Ilina, Institute of Regional Reseach and Urban Planning, National Research University “Higher School of Economy”



Green Development of Belarusian Cities: Project Experience
Vera Sysoyeva, GEF-UNDP-Ministry of Environment Green CitiesProject



Green Urban Planning as a Strategic Vision of Urban Development
Polina Vardevanyan, GEF-UNDP-Ministry of Environment Green Cities Project



Planning for Sustainable Urban Mobility
Dmitri Navoi,  Ministry of Internal Affairs, Republic of Belarus



Integrated Sustainable Transport in the City of Batumi and Ajara Region
Lasha Nakashidze, UNDP Project Green Cities, Georgia



Community Participation as a Key Component of Sustainable Urban Development
Maria Falaleeva, NGO ECOPROJECT, Republic of Belarus



Funding for Smart Sustainable Cities
Irina Zapatrina, Ukrainian PPP Development Support Center, Ukraine



Smart Urban Development Management - Improving Competencies for Planning and Management of Smart Sustainable Cities
Valery Borodenya, Academy of Public Administration under the aegis of the President of the Republic of Belarus



Green Infrastructure Projects Criteria
Irina Pyl, GEF-UNDP-Ministry of Environment Green Cities Project



Green Procurement as a Tool for Sustainable Financing of Urban Projects
Yulia Amelchenya, Academy of Public Administration under the aegis of the President of the Republic of Belarus;  GEF-UNDP-Ministry of Environment Green Cities Project



Day 3
Session IV.Green urban development, Sustainable Energy and Energy Efficiency

Promotion of Energy-efficiency in Buildings by the UNECE
Oleg Dzioubinski, Sustainable Energy Division,UNECE



Mapping of Existing Technologies to Enhance Energy-efficiency in Buildings in the UNECE Region
Oleg Dzioubinski, Sustainable Energy Division,UNECE



Green Energy Efficient Housing Construction in the Republic of Belarus
Vladimir Pilipenko, Institute NIPTIS named after Ataev S. S. State Enterprise



The Effectiveness of the Implementation of Activities in Low-Carbon Development
Ivan Filiutsich, GEF-UNDP-Ministry of Environment Green CitiesProject



Improving Energy Efficiency in Residential and Public Buildings through Implementation of International Technical Assistance Projects
Andrei Miniankou, Department of the Energy Efficiency,  State Committee for Standardization, Republic of Belarus



“Warm loans” for improving energy efficiency in the housing sector of Ukraine: scope, pace, expansion plans and synergies with the local budgets
Alexey Korchmit, State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy Savings of Ukraine



National Regulations of Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving: Kazakhstan
Olzhas Alibekov, Institute of Electricity Development and Energy Saving of the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructural Development



National Regulations of Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving: Kyrgyzstan
Maratbek Cholponkulov, Fuel and Energy Complex and Subsoil Use Committee,  Supreme Council of the Kyrgyz Republic



National Regulations of Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving: Republic of Belarus
Leonid Danilevsky, State Enterprise "Institute of Housing NIPTIS named after Ataev S.S."



Energy efficiency conformity assessment and perspectives for development of testing capacities in the EAEU/CIS
Yelena Polyakova and Anatoly Shevchenko, UNDP-RTF Project



Energy saving potential in setting energy efficiency requirements for energy consuming equipment and devices in EAEU countries
Yurij Tikhonenko, “Federal Chamber of Energy Efficiency and Energy Safety” All-Russian Union; UNDP-RTF with the EAEU/CIS



Results and potential of cooperation of the UNDP with the EAEU/CIS countries in development of energy efficiency regulatory framework and implementation of the UNDP-RTF Project “Regulatory Framework to Promote Energy Efficiency in Countries of the Eurasian Economic Union”
Suren Gyurjinyan, UNDP-RTF Project



Transformational Changes in Energy Efficiency Perception
Marianna Arzangulyan, UNDP Armenia



Promoting energy efficient street lighting and engineering systems through ESCO and/or similar schemes: Experience of the Russian Federation; prospects for implementation in the EAEU / CIS countries
Alexey Tulikov, Russian Association of Energy Service Companies