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Automated driving

Relevant UNECE activities on automated driving

In 2014, the policy segment of the 76th ITC received presentations from Google X (disruptive approach in the technology deployment) and from Continental (step-by-step approach) on the progress made towards automated driving and the expected benefits. This was the starting point of various activities supporting the deployment of automated vehicles on roads.

Here is a list of relevant presentations and documents linked to UNECE's activities on this matter: 


May 2024 ADS testing capability in China, UK Automated Vehicle Act  
May 2024 Some OEM perspective on vehicle regulations - Presentation by GM on Supercruise GRVA-19-37/Rev.1
January 2024 Exchange on scenarios (France, France, UK, Academia, ITU)  
January 2024 Highlights in terms of exchange: ADS in Switzerland (GRVA-18-13), developments in Beijing (GRVA-18-28), research outcome from Japan (GRVA-18-35) 17th session, item 11
January 2024 Draft DCAS regulation (GRVA-18-07/Rev.2) and L Category in UN R155 (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2024/4) - FADS Q and A (GRVA-18-44) 17th session
November 2023 Setting for the drafting of a global vehicle regulation on automated diving system  WP.29-191-30/Rev.1
September 2023 IT Security vs Access to Data and Data Privacy in Connected Vehicles GRVA-17-20
May 2023 Draft resolution with guideline on the use of AI in automotive products GRVA-16-48
April 2023 Workshop on Electromechanical Braking (EMB) and Brake by wire (BBW) GRVA-16-11
January 2023 Information on national legal and regulatory activities in China (Motorcycle braking) France (AI "Grand Defi") and Germany(ADS and AVP) 15th GRVA session
January 2023 Note on V2V - 5th IWG on ITS ITS-05-05
September 2022 New items for discussion. 
V2V: GRVA-14-20.UEBS: GRVA-14-10. ACPE: GRVA-14-14
14th GRVA session
July 2022 Report of the exchange of CPs (1958/1998 Agreements) on the implementation of UN Regulation No. 155 GRVA-14-07
May 2022 FRAV/VMAD current documents: GRVA-13-36 (Draft FRAV guideline and recommendations),  GRVA-13-35 (NATM guideline),  13th GRVA session
May 2022 (China) Proposal for Data Security of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles GRVA-13-32
May 2022 (OICA) Vision of an ADS road map and related future activities at UNECE/GRVA GRVA-13-18
May 2022 Report of the SIG on UN Regulation No. 157 GRVA-13-44
May 2022 (Secretariat) Outcome of the GRVA workshops on AI in the context of vehicle regulations GRVA-13-04
January 2022 Remote access to in-vehicle data
(CITA white paper GRVA-12-11/Rev.1, presentation GRVA-12-14/Rev.1 and assessment scheme GRVA-12-40)
12th session of GRVA
January 2022 Boundaries between ADAS and ADS GRVA-12-17
November 2021 Adopted amendments to the Framework Document (FDAV)  ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2021/151
October 2021 Reporting on GRVA activities at GRSG - see last slide GRSG-122-45
October 2021 Reporting on UN Regulation No. 156 at GRE GRE-85-36
September 2021 CITA/FSD presentation on In-Vehicle Data Remote Access GRVA-11-15
September 2021  Note by the secretariat on Artificial Intelligence in Vehicles - including an early draft of a resolution proposal GRVA-11-03
September 2021 Information on national legal and regulatory activities in China, France and Germany  11th GRVA session
September 2021 Draft resolution on "Activities other than driving" ECE/TRANS/WP.1/2021/2
May 2021 Alliance for the Freedom of Car Repair in Europe - Secure On-board Telematics Platform (S-OTP) Proposal GRVA-10-09
May 2021 Note by the secretariat on the letter from the PACE to GRVA GRVA-10-10
May 2021 Letter from the PACE to GRVA GRVA-10-07
March 2021 Master document of the new assessment test method (for Automated Driving)  WP.29-183-05
November 2020 Interpretation document of UN Regulation No. 155 WP.29-182-05
June 2020 Draft UN Regulation on Cyber Security and CSMS ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2020/79 R
March/June 2020 Draft UN Regulation on ALKS GRVA-06-02-Rev.4
February 2020 Draft UN Regulation on Software Updates and SUMS ECE/TRANS/WP29/GRVA/2020/4
November 2019 Revised Framework Document for Automated Vehicles ECE/TRANS/WP29/2019/34/Rev.2
June 2019 Revised Framework Document for Automated Vehicles WP.29-178-10r2
March 2019 Priorities of the World Forum on vehicle automation ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2019/2
November 2018 Recommendation on Software Updates incl. OTA ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2019/3
November 2018 Recommendation on Cyber Security ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2019/2
September 2018 Global Forum for Road Traffic Safety (WP.1) resolution on the deployment of highly and fully automated vehicles in road traffic ECE/TRANS/WP1/165, Annex 1
June 2018 Conversion of GRRF into GRVA .../WP.29/1139, para. 33
May 2018 Draft Resolution by WP.1 Link
April 2018 Press clipping "Le Temps" Link
March 2018 Adoption of the 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 79 ("Lane change") Document
March 2018 Press article "La tribune de Genève" Link
March 2018 Interview TV CGTN (French) Video
February 2018 ITC request for WP.29 to dedicate a GR to vehicle automation ECE/TRANS/274, para. 52
November 2017 Discussion of approaches to certify the performance of automated vehicles

PPT by Catapult

September 2017 EIF of the 02 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 79 ("Lane keeping") Consolidated document
June 2017  Text Brainstorming on how to regulate AD at UNECE  PPT by UK
April 2017 Status report of the IGE on AD (WP.1) PPT
March 2017 Adoption of guideline on cyber security and data protection ECE/TRANS/WP29/2017/46
February 2017 Driverless shuttle demo at the 70th anniversary of ITC Video
November 2016 Establishment of the Task Force on Cyber Security and Over-The-Air updates Meeting docs
June 2016 Start of the drafting of guidelines on cyber security and data protection  
April 2016 Confirmation by WP.1 that ADV testing do not require
further amendments to the 1968 Vienna Convention
Report paras. 16 & 18
March 2016 EIF of the Amendment to the 1968 Vienna Convention EIF Notification
March 2016 Cyber security and data protection 8th ITS/AD
February 2016 Review of external activities GRRF-81-30
November 2015 First meeting of the WP.1 informal group on Automated Driving Link
November 2015 Status report WP29-167-04
September 2015 Frankfurt, D: Transport ministers' declaration Declaration
September 2015 Demo with a vehicle equipped with Remote Control Parking More here
November 2014 Initial policy paper in November 2014 WP29-164-27
September 2014 Presentation from the supplier industry GRRF-78-31
February 2014 Presentation by Scania of a Platooning project GRRF-76-43 | Video