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12/13AB: Promoting Energy Efficiency Investments for Climate Change Mitigation and Sustainable Development

Promoting Energy Efficiency Investments for Climate Change Mitigation and Sustainable Development

EXCOM approval

Planning phase

Implementation phase

Final Reporting
and Evaluation phase

EXCOM form

Concept paper
Project document, including the budget
• Work/implementation plan

Monitoring the Implementation

Final/Terminal report

Evaluation ToR
Evaluation report
Management Response



Midpoint/Annual Progress ReportsAnnual funds utilization reports
  • Midterm report
  • Annual progress report



Annual funds utilization report

Part I. Planning

Part II. Implementation

Expected accomplishments

Planned activities

Estimated costs (US$)

Implemented activities3

Actual expenditures4 (US$)3

EA 1: Improved capacity of national project developers, energy experts and middle-level managers in developing countries and countries with economies in transition to develop energy efficiency investment projects in private and public sectors

A1.1 Provide technical assistance to the national officials and experts through five regional trainings (one course for each region) in project development, finance and business planning to educate participants on mentioned issues. This is indeed a critical activity since the policy-makers, other government officials as well representatives of project developers, owners, private companies, banking community are not necessarily updated on the current of EE investment potential and challenges, which in turn might require particular regulatory, policy and structural measures to be the most effective in local conditions.


1. Training courses on project development, finance and business planning have been conducted in all 5 Regional Commissions.

UN ECE together with ESCAP held Training Courses on Business Planning for Energy Efficiency Projects  in Almaty (Kazakhstan) 3-4 April 2013 and in Istanbul (Turkey), 20-21 June 2013.

Over 80 project developers and owners, Government officials, representatives of banking community, academia, private sector and NGOs learned financial engineering and business planning skills to identify, select and develop energy efficiency investment projects and prepare bankable project proposals.

 List of participants, presentation(s) made by UNECE, conference documents, training materials and reports can be found at and

Almaty (Kazakhstan) 3-4 April 2013: 
List of Participants

Istanbul (Turkey), 20-21 June 2013
List of Participants


A1.2 Develop and conduct five regional workshops (one in each region) in order to:

- provide knowledge on EE investment projects, which concerns both the regulatory and policy requirements and purely technical aspects that countries would need to deal with when attracting and implementing investments based of foreign or national capital.

- analyze investment project pipeline (inventory of energy efficiency project proposals, see A5);

- disseminate UNECE experience acquired in implementing the FEEI Project to stakeholders, including representatives from the business and banking sectors 


1. The Inter-regional Workshop on Energy Efficiency Investment Projects Pipeline was held together with ESCAP in Bangkok on 23-24 April 2014. This Workshop was a follow-up to the Training Courses on Business Planning for Energy Efficiency Projects held in Almaty, Kazakhstan, 3-4 April 2013 and Istanbul, Turkey, 20-21 June 2013.


List of Participants 

The participants (over 40 from 19 countries, including 16 from UNECE region) stressed the importance and usefulness of the capacity building activities undertaken by UNECE and ESCAP. The objective of the workshop was to provide knowledge on energy efficiency (EE) investment projects, which concerns both the regulatory and policy requirements and purely technical aspects that countries would need to deal with when attracting and implementing investments based of foreign or national capital; analyze investment project pipeline (inventory of energy efficiency project proposals); and disseminate UNECE experience acquired in implementing the FEEI Project to stakeholders.

Most of the participating project developers took part in previous training courses, where they have been trained to develop energy efficiency investment projects in private and public sectors. Participants presented 27 investment projects with details of the total cost of the project, investment requirements, projected internal rates of return, payback periods and carbon dioxide emission reductions for submission to domestic and international investors, banks, investment funds, and other financial institutions in beneficiary countries. The workshop reviewed the created investment project pipeline, provided financial analysis of presented projects, and served also as a place for a dialogue on energy efficiency investment project proposals between project developers/owners and government officials (with the focus on barriers and success factors).

The presentations and other materials are available on the website:


EA 2: Improved regulatory and institutional framework for promotion of new financing mechanisms  for energy efficiency projects

A2.1 Develop fifteen case studies on the experience of policy reforms in cooperation with national coordinators and national participating institutions in beneficiary countries to be discussed at five regional policy seminars. This activity clearly seeks to establish a benchmark against which the energy efficiency investment and regulatory framework in each individual participating country will be measured. Equally, in this process a ranking of each country in terms of the obstacles and opportunities to move closer to the desired benchmark in alternative and realistic time frameworks. Some of case studies will probably serve as the best practice guidelines. 


1. A total of 6 national case studies in the UNECE region (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Croatia, Georgia and Montenegro) have been completed.

UNECE case studies can be found at



A2.2 Conduct five policy seminars focusing on policy reforms to promote financing of energy efficiency investments with the aim of strengthening the capacity of national and local policymakers in each region. The participants of the seminars will consider case studies (see A3) for five countries in applicable regions to develop a better understanding of their positioning in the international investment market for energy efficiency projects both in absolute and relative terms. They will identify the required or desirable changes to existing policy/legal/regulatory frameworks leading to a more favourable investment climate for the EE projects.


Seminar “Case Studies on Policy Reforms to Promote Financing Energy Efficiency (EE) Investments and Advanced Energy Efficiency Technologies” was conducted in Tbilisi (Georgia) on 18 September 2013 for participants from the UNECE and UNESCAP regions.



EA 3: Increased financing for investments in energy efficiency projects, including through innovative financing mechanisms.


A3.1 Develop an investment project pipeline: inventory of energy efficiency project proposals, each of which contains standard presentation of energy efficiency investment project, with details of the total cost of the project, investment requirements, projected internal rates of return and carbon dioxide emission reductions for submission to domestic and international investors, banks, investment funds, and other financial institutions in beneficiary countries. The development of a pipeline will be based on UNECE FEEI project experience.


1. 46 project proposals were received from 23 countries in the UNECE and UNESCAP regions.



A3.2 In cooperation with all UNRCs, plan and execute an end-of-the-project global workshop to bring together officials from the regions along with major domestic and foreign investors to facilitate exchange of expertise, lessons learned and best practices and promote greater investment flows into the EE projects. Coupled with other actions, this particular activity would be an exceptional opportunity to create an efficient interface among the foreign investors, technology vendors, domestic policy makers and regulators as well as the domestic power industry, which would further foster the flow of much required investment in an informed and productive framework for mutual benefit. The workshop should endorse the suitable regulatory and policy approaches for energy efficiency investment, discuss the examples of the planned or under way investments and ways to enhance their attractiveness, their impact on economic development and mitigation of climate change as well as reinforce the creation of needed stock of human capital in this critical economic activity. The global workshop will significantly increase awareness of economic benefits from energy efficiency projects, present business plans from investment project pipelines from all regions that would be considered for financing by various financial institutions and would have a good chance to receive investments.


1. The Global Workshop was held under the framework "Fifth International Forum: Energy for Sustainable Development". It gathered government officials and project developers from the regions along with major domestic and foreign investors to facilitate exchange of expertise, lessons learned and best practices and promote greater investment flows into the energy efficiency projects. The event shared experience with programmes for training on financial engineering and business planning as well as case studies on policy reforms to promote energy efficiency investments and discussed a project pipeline of each region.


List of Participants





