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Download Documents for Nineteenth session of the Joint Task Force on Environmental Statistics and Indicators

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Document Filename Document File Language Document Information
19_JTF_Timetable_ENG_01_11_2022.pdf 19_JTF_Timetable_ENG_01_11_2022.pdf (application/pdf, 196.37 KB) English Provisional programme
agendaE.pdf agendaE.pdf (application/pdf, 125.72 KB) English Annotated provisional agenda
agendaR.pdf agendaR.pdf (application/pdf, 194.54 KB) Russian Annotated provisional agenda
S1_1_ Agenda_ENG_18102022_0.pdf S1_1_ Agenda_ENG_18102022_0.pdf (application/pdf, 259.94 KB) English Agenda
ece_cep_ces_ge.1_2021_2_e.pdf ece_cep_ces_ge.1_2021_2_e.pdf (application/pdf, 194.3 KB) English Report of the 18th session of the JTF on Environmental Statistics and Indicators
ece_cep_ces_ge.1_2021_2_R.pdf ece_cep_ces_ge.1_2021_2_R.pdf (application/pdf, 245.76 KB) Russian Report of the 18th session of the JTF on Environmental Statistics and Indicators
S2_1_Outcomes of the 18th Session_ENG_18102022.pdf S2_1_Outcomes of the 18th Session_ENG_18102022.pdf (application/pdf, 367.02 KB) English Outcomes of the 18th session
ece_cep_ces_ge.1e_202_3_e.pdf ece_cep_ces_ge.1e_202_3_e.pdf (application/pdf, 135.23 KB) English Draft new mandate and terms of reference of the Joint Group of Experts on Environmental Statistics and Indicators
ece_cep_ces_ge.1_2022_3_r.pdf ece_cep_ces_ge.1_2022_3_r.pdf (application/pdf, 228.4 KB) Russian Draft new mandate and terms of reference of the Joint Group of Experts on Environmental Statistics and Indicators
S3_1_Mandate_and_terms of reference_ENG.pdf S3_1_Mandate_and_terms of reference_ENG.pdf (application/pdf, 883.58 KB) English Implementing the mandate and terms of reference - UNECE
S4_1_Outcomes of EfE Ministerial & PEEA_2.pdf S4_1_Outcomes of EfE Ministerial & PEEA_2.pdf (application/pdf, 510.15 KB) English Main outcomes of 9th EfE Ministerial Conference & PEEA - UNECE
S4_2_Outcomes of the 24th WGEMA_31102022.pdf S4_2_Outcomes of the 24th WGEMA_31102022.pdf (application/pdf, 302.68 KB) English Outcomes of the 24th WGEMA
S4_3_Activities_statistics.pdf S4_3_Activities_statistics.pdf (application/pdf, 516.42 KB) English Overview on selected outcomes of recent work of the UNECE Statistics Division - UNECE
S4_4_UNECE JTF_REM_WesterBalkans_0.pdf S4_4_UNECE JTF_REM_WesterBalkans_0.pdf (application/pdf, 2.69 MB) English Regional E-waste Monitor for the Western Balkans - UNU-VIE & UNITAR
S4_8_Tourism and Environmental statistics in Georgia_final_0.pdf S4_8_Tourism and Environmental statistics in Georgia_final_0.pdf (application/pdf, 2.2 MB) English Tourism and Environmental Statistics - Georgia
S4_5_Updates from UNEP_Ekaterina Poleshchuk.pdf S4_5_Updates from UNEP_Ekaterina Poleshchuk.pdf (application/pdf, 1.18 MB) English Recent updates of UNEP's global work on environmental statistics
S4_6_Tajikistan_29102022_RU.pdf S4_6_Tajikistan_29102022_RU.pdf (application/pdf, 365.67 KB) Russian Statistics on environment and natural resources of the Republic of Tajikistan
S4_7_Moldova_03.11.2022.pptx_EA_NBS.pdf S4_7_Moldova_03.11.2022.pptx_EA_NBS.pdf (application/pdf, 3.3 MB) English Presentation by the Environment Agency and the National Bureau of Statistics - Moldova
S4_9_NorthMacedonia_ongoing_developments.pdf S4_9_NorthMacedonia_ongoing_developments.pdf (application/pdf, 3.24 MB) English On-going developments in the Republic of North Macedonia
S4_10_UNSD_JTFEIS_Geneva3-4Nov2022_FINAL.pdf S4_10_UNSD_JTFEIS_Geneva3-4Nov2022_FINAL.pdf (application/pdf, 2.41 MB) English Updates on Global Work in Environment and Climate Change Statistics - UNSD
Jillian Campbell Monitoring framework_ECE - Copy.pdf Jillian Campbell Monitoring framework_ECE - Copy.pdf (application/pdf, 510.94 KB) English Convention on Biological Diversity-Update on the status of the global Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework-Jillian Campbell
S4_12_UNEP-SEIS-JTF-nov2022.pdf S4_12_UNEP-SEIS-JTF-nov2022.pdf (application/pdf, 1.21 MB) Russian Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS) in Central Asia - UNEP
2213241E.pdf 2213241E.pdf (application/pdf, 490.45 KB) English Revised Guidelines for the Application of Environmental Indicators (completed parts)
2213241R.pdf 2213241R.pdf (application/pdf, 403.05 KB) Russian Revised Guidelines for the Application of Environmental Indicators (completed parts)
S5_2_SDG_FDES_2020PC_MEXvf.pdf S5_2_SDG_FDES_2020PC_MEXvf.pdf (application/pdf, 1.13 MB) English Developing SDG indicators using the FDES and the 2020 Population Census - Mexico
S5_1_ECE_indicator_guidelines (1)_1.pdf S5_1_ECE_indicator_guidelines (1)_1.pdf (application/pdf, 1.39 MB) English Review of the ECE Guidelines for the Application of Environmental Indicators - UNECE
S5_3_Pan-European Assessment gaps and findings (1)_1.pdf S5_3_Pan-European Assessment gaps and findings (1)_1.pdf (application/pdf, 1.3 MB) English Lessons learned and gaps from the pan-European Assessment gaps and findings - UNECE
S5_4_EEA_rev.pdf S5_4_EEA_rev.pdf (application/pdf, 1.11 MB) English Revision of the EEA-Eionet indicators and other related activities of the European Environment Agency
5.5 KZK Presentation.pdf 5.5 KZK Presentation.pdf (application/pdf, 594.56 KB) English Review of the revised Guidelines for the Application of Environmental Indicators - Kazakhstan
S5_5_Presentation_KZ_RUS.pdf S5_5_Presentation_KZ_RUS.pdf (application/pdf, 596.73 KB) Russian Review of the revised Guidelines for the Application of Environmental Indicators - Kazakhstan
S5_6_Armenia.pdf S5_6_Armenia.pdf (application/pdf, 1.55 MB) English Application of environmental indicators - Armenia
S5_7_Indicator_guidelines_discussion.pdf S5_7_Indicator_guidelines_discussion.pdf (application/pdf, 659.49 KB) English Review of the ECE Guidelines for the Application of Environmental Indicators - UNECE
S6_1_Env data & Indicators GGIs and UNECE in EaP countries_4 Nov 2022_0.pdf S6_1_Env data & Indicators GGIs and UNECE in EaP countries_4 Nov 2022_0.pdf (application/pdf, 1.65 MB) English Environmental data & Indicators GGIs and UNECE in EaP countries - European Union
S6_2_Ongoing and planned capacity development - Nebojsa Redzic - Serbia_0.pdf S6_2_Ongoing and planned capacity development - Nebojsa Redzic - Serbia_0.pdf (application/pdf, 1.77 MB) English Ongoing and planned capacity development activities - Serbia
S6_3_Ukraine_2022_RU.pdf S6_3_Ukraine_2022_RU.pdf (application/pdf, 315.95 KB) Russian Towards Environmental Information - Ukraine
2022 11 04 Mudu_AirQ+_JTF.pdf 2022 11 04 Mudu_AirQ+_JTF.pdf (application/pdf, 2.3 MB) English Data needs, statistics and indicators to manage environment-related human health issues Air - WHO Europe
S7_2_JTFESI_Katherine Hall_without video.pdf S7_2_JTFESI_Katherine Hall_without video.pdf (application/pdf, 2.3 MB) English Air quality and health in Central Asia - UNEP Central Asia Office
S7_3_UNDRR_0.pdf S7_3_UNDRR_0.pdf (application/pdf, 1.91 MB) English Hazard definition and classification review - UNDDR
ece_cep_ces_ge1_2022_2_e .pdf ece_cep_ces_ge1_2022_2_e .pdf (application/pdf, 157.49 KB) English Report of the 19th session of the JTF on Environmental Statistics and Indicators
ece_cep_ces_ge1_2022_2_r.pdf ece_cep_ces_ge1_2022_2_r.pdf (application/pdf, 232.76 KB) Russian Report of the 19th session of the JTF on Environmental Statistics and Indicators
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