ECE-TRANS-WP5-GE3-39e.pdf |
ECE-TRANS-WP5-GE3-39e.pdf (application/pdf, 113.39 KB)
English |
Annotated provisional agenda for the twentieth session (22-23 April 2021) |
ECE-TRANS-WP5-GE3-39f.pdf |
ECE-TRANS-WP5-GE3-39f.pdf (application/pdf, 167.07 KB)
French |
Annotated provisional agenda for the twentieth session (22-23 April 2021) |
ECE-TRANS-WP5-GE3-39r.pdf |
ECE-TRANS-WP5-GE3-39r.pdf (application/pdf, 196.88 KB)
Russian |
Annotated provisional agenda for the twentieth session (22-23 April 2021) |
ECE-TRANS-WP5-GE3-40e.pdf |
ECE-TRANS-WP5-GE3-40e.pdf (application/pdf, 133.65 KB)
English |
Report of the Group of Experts on Assessment of Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation for Inland Transport at its twentieth session |
ECE-TRANS-WP5-GE3-40f.pdf |
ECE-TRANS-WP5-GE3-40f.pdf (application/pdf, 203.99 KB)
French |
Report of the Group of Experts on Assessment of Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation for Inland Transport at its twentieth session |
ECE-TRANS-WP5-GE3-40r.pdf |
ECE-TRANS-WP5-GE3-40r.pdf (application/pdf, 243.44 KB)
Russian |
Report of the Group of Experts on Assessment of Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation for Inland Transport at its twentieth session |
ECE-TRANS-WP5-GE3-2021-01e.pdf |
ECE-TRANS-WP5-GE3-2021-01e.pdf (application/pdf, 108.86 KB)
English |
Simple survey to assess needs of transport professionals in UNECE region with regard to understanding the future potential impacts from climate change on transport |
ECE-TRANS-WP5-GE3-2021-01f.pdf |
ECE-TRANS-WP5-GE3-2021-01f.pdf (application/pdf, 164.89 KB)
French |
Simple survey to assess needs of transport professionals in UNECE region with regard to understanding the future potential impacts from climate change on transport |
ECE-TRANS-WP5-GE3-2021-01r.pdf |
ECE-TRANS-WP5-GE3-2021-01r.pdf (application/pdf, 161.92 KB)
Russian |
Simple survey to assess needs of transport professionals in UNECE region with regard to understanding the future potential impacts from climate change on transport |
ECE-TRANS-WP5-GE3-2021-02e.pdf |
ECE-TRANS-WP5-GE3-2021-02e.pdf (application/pdf, 148.29 KB)
English |
Concept for organisation of workshops for consulting future users of guidelines for integrating climate change adaptation considerations in transport planning and operational processes on their needs |
ECE-TRANS-WP5-GE3-2021-02f.pdf |
ECE-TRANS-WP5-GE3-2021-02f.pdf (application/pdf, 163.72 KB)
French |
Concept for organisation of workshops for consulting future users of guidelines for integrating climate change adaptation considerations in transport planning and operational processes on their needs |
ECE-TRANS-WP5-GE3-2021-02r.pdf |
ECE-TRANS-WP5-GE3-2021-02r.pdf (application/pdf, 180.02 KB)
Russian |
Concept for organisation of workshops for consulting future users of guidelines for integrating climate change adaptation considerations in transport planning and operational processes on their needs |
WP5-GE3_id21-01e.pdf |
WP5-GE3_id21-01e.pdf (application/pdf, 1.96 MB)
English |
Current state of knowledge on the evolution under Climate Variability and Change (CV&C) of the potential hazards for inland transportation (Draft) |
WP5-GE3_id21-02e_0.pdf |
WP5-GE3_id21-02e_0.pdf (application/pdf, 556.06 KB)
English |
Responses to simple survey to assess needs of transport professionals in UNECE region with regard to understanding the future potential impacts from climate change on transport |
WP5-GE3_id21-03e.pdf |
WP5-GE3_id21-03e.pdf (application/pdf, 137.52 KB)
English |
Consideration of physical climate change risks in transport planning and operational processes |
WP5-GE3_id21-04e.pdf |
WP5-GE3_id21-04e.pdf (application/pdf, 339.2 KB)
English |
List of case studies used state-of-the art methodologies to assess hazards at different spatio-temporal scales, and available online tools |
2.1_WP5_GE3_20th session_Ms Gutierrez_UIC_0.pdf |
2.1_WP5_GE3_20th session_Ms Gutierrez_UIC_0.pdf (application/pdf, 2.03 MB)
English |
UIC: a long history of serving member railways and facilitating international railway cooperation (Ms. Mercedes Gutiérrez, UIC) |
2.2_WP5_GE3_20th session_Mr. Dora_ISO.pdf |
2.2_WP5_GE3_20th session_Mr. Dora_ISO.pdf (application/pdf, 883.33 KB)
English |
Transport resilience and ISO 14090 Adaptation to climate change – Principles, requirements and guidelines (Mr. John Dora, ISO) |
2.3_WP5_GE3_20th session_Ms Hansel_Germany.pdf |
2.3_WP5_GE3_20th session_Ms Hansel_Germany.pdf (application/pdf, 1.88 MB)
English |
Stress tests: A methodology to assess the impact of extreme events on traffic streams (Ms. Stephanie Hansel, Germany) |
2.4_WP5_GE3_20th session_Mr Stanecki_EU.pdf |
2.4_WP5_GE3_20th session_Mr Stanecki_EU.pdf (application/pdf, 522.78 KB)
English |
EU Strategy on Adaptationto Climate Change (Mr. Rafal Stanecki, European Commission) |
2.5_WP5_GE3_20th session_Ms Armaroli_ECFAS.pdf |
2.5_WP5_GE3_20th session_Ms Armaroli_ECFAS.pdf (application/pdf, 2.75 MB)
English |
European Flood Awareness System (EFAS) and a new system in development for coastal flooding awareness (ECFAS) (Ms. Clara Armaroli, University School for Advanced Studies IUSS, Italy) |
2.6_WP5_GE3_20th session_Mr Velegrakis_UoA.pdf |
2.6_WP5_GE3_20th session_Mr Velegrakis_UoA.pdf (application/pdf, 1.94 MB)
English |
Current state of knowledge on the evolution of the potential hazards for inland transportation under Climate Variability and Change (CV&C) (Adonis F. Velegrakis, University of the Aegean, Greece) |
4.1_WP5_GE3_20th session_Mr Daudlin_Canada.pdf |
4.1_WP5_GE3_20th session_Mr Daudlin_Canada.pdf (application/pdf, 970.37 KB)
English |
Transport Canada’s Transportation Assets Risk Assessment (TARA) initiative (Mr. Michael Daudlin, Canada) |
4.2_WP5_GE3_20th session_Mr van Muiswinkel_Netherlands.pdf |
4.2_WP5_GE3_20th session_Mr van Muiswinkel_Netherlands.pdf (application/pdf, 4.89 MB)
English |
Stresstestingthe Netherlands National Highways (Mr. Kees van Muiswinkel, the Netherlands) |
4.3_WP5_GE3_20th session_Mr Hazelaar_Netherlands.pdf |
4.3_WP5_GE3_20th session_Mr Hazelaar_Netherlands.pdf (application/pdf, 2.25 MB)
English |
Extreme weather, from short term to long term actions & research topics (Mr. Onno Hazelaar, Netherlands) |
4.4_WP5_GE3_20th session_Mr van Ginkel_Netherlands.pdf |
4.4_WP5_GE3_20th session_Mr van Ginkel_Netherlands.pdf (application/pdf, 1.75 MB)
English |
Recent advances in model-based assessment of flood damage to road networks (Mr. Kees van Ginkel, the Netherlands) |
5.2_WP5_GE3_20th session_Ms Evans_PIARC.pdf |
5.2_WP5_GE3_20th session_Ms Evans_PIARC.pdf (application/pdf, 2.74 MB)
English |
Technical Committee 1.4 Climate Change and Resilience of Road Networks – Overview of Activities (Ms. Caroline Evans, PIARC) |
5.3_WP5_GE3_20th session_Ms Klippel and Ms Hansel_Germany.pdf |
5.3_WP5_GE3_20th session_Ms Klippel and Ms Hansel_Germany.pdf (application/pdf, 2.12 MB)
English |
Structuring adaptation measures in the BMVI Network of Experts (Ms. L. Klippel, Ms. S. Hänsel and the entire project team, Germany) |
5.4_WP5_GE3_20th session_Ms Asariotis_UNCTAD.pdf |
5.4_WP5_GE3_20th session_Ms Asariotis_UNCTAD.pdf (application/pdf, 2.82 MB)
English |
Climate Impact Assessment at Facility Level: some of the key data requirements - UNCTAD project SIDSport-ClimateAdapt (Ms. Regina Asariotis, UNCTAD) |
7.1_WP5_GE3_20th session_PIARC.pdf |
7.1_WP5_GE3_20th session_PIARC.pdf (application/pdf, 132.24 KB)
English |
XVIth World Winter Service and Road ResilienceCongress (PIARC) |