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Recommendation N°. 38: Trade Information Portals (ECE/TRADE/465)

Recommendation N°. 38: Trade Information Portals (ECE/TRADE/465)

Rec. 38 - Trade Information Portal

Transparency and predictability are essential elements for the cross-border movement of goods. In order to trade internationally efficiently and cost effectively, it is necessary to access all the regulatory requirements prior to the actual sale of merchandise. Having an official, single portal where all this information can be accessed provides the necessary transparency and predictability. Such a portal also encourages cross-administration cooperation which can carry over to border control requirements or other trade facilitation mechanisms such as a Single Window.

Many countries affirm that they have such a portal; however, these can vary greatly from one country to another. This recommendation puts forward a base understanding of a
Trade Information Portal as a trade facilitation mechanism.

This Recommendation 38 (ECE/TRADE/465) is also available in  French and Russian for download.