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WP6: Group of Experts on Risk Management in Regulatory Systems meeting

WP6: Group of Experts on Risk Management in Regulatory Systems meeting

Regular meeting of the WP.6 Group of Experts on Risk Management in Regulatory Systems (GRM)

14 September 2023 11:00 - 13:00

The Group of Experts on Risk Management in Regulatory Systems (GRM) of WP.6 holds bi-monthly meetings to progress its work agenda and encourage exchanges between experts in risk management. The GRM encourages the uptake of:


All experts are welcome to join these meetings. The UNECE WP.6 particularly encourages women experts to consider joining these work flows.

The Group of Experts was established in 2010 and aims at an improved management of hazards that have the potential to affect the quality of products and services, and/or cause harm or damage to people, the environment, property and immaterial assets. To this end, it systematizes and applies best practice on risk management in regulatory activity and international trade. More information on this group is available on the group’s web page.

The report of the meeting is available here.

Provisional agenda


Agenda item


11:00 – 11:05

Decisions made at previous webinars and today’s agenda

Mrs. Alexia Davison, Chair

11:05 – 11:15

GRM at the WP.6 Annual Session

Mrs. Alexia Davison, Chair/Mr. Lance Thompson, WP.6 Secretary 

11:15 – 11:25

Introduction of the UNECE WP.6 Working Procedures

Mr. Lance Thompson, WP.6 Secretary [PPT]

11:25 – 11:40

Internal skills management and knowledge matrix

Mr. Paul Taylor/Participants

11:40 – 11:55

Presentation of the UK PRISM System

Mr. Richard Poate, OPSS [PPT]

11:55 – 12:00



12:00 – 12:10

Update on the project “Integrated risk management in Single Window systems”: questionnaire for regulatory authorities

Mr. Valentin Nikonov, IRM in SW Project Lead [PPT]

12:10 – 12:15



12:15 – 12:20

Risk management in the context of SDG 14: update 

Mr. Roland Cormier [PPT]

12:20 – 12:25

Risk Management in the UN Global Survey on Trade Facilitation 


12:25 – 12:30

Update on the work of the ISO 262 Technical Committee ‘Risk management’

Mr. Valentin Nikonov/Participants

12:30 – 12:35

Update on Risk Management related events


12:35 – 13:00

Floor open for presentation by members/Reserve
