Eighth Joint Session of the EMEP Steering Body and Working Group on Effects
Eighth Joint Session of the EMEP Steering Body and Working Group on Effects
12 September (15:00) - 16 September (13:00) 2022
Geneva Switzerland
Official documents
29124 _ ECE/EB.AIR/GE.1/2022/1-ECE/EB.AIR/WG.1/2022/1 - Annotated provisional agenda for the eighth joint session _ 369021 _ English _ 773 _ 358077 _ pdf
29124 _ ECE/EB.AIR/GE.1/2022/1-ECE/EB.AIR/WG.1/2022/1 - Annotated provisional agenda for the eighth joint session _ 369021 _ French _ 780 _ 358078 _ pdf
29124 _ ECE/EB.AIR/GE.1/2022/1-ECE/EB.AIR/WG.1/2022/1 - Annotated provisional agenda for the eighth joint session _ 369021 _ Russian _ 864 _ 358079 _ pdf
29124 _ ECE/EB.AIR/GE.1/2022/2−ECE/EB.AIR/WG.1/2022/2 - Report of the Steering Body to the Cooperative Programme for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Long-range Transmission of Air Pollutants in Europe and the Working Group on Effects on their eighth joint session _ 373907 _ English _ 773 _ 375577 _ pdf
29124 _ ECE/EB.AIR/GE.1/2022/2−ECE/EB.AIR/WG.1/2022/2 - Report of the Steering Body to the Cooperative Programme for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Long-range Transmission of Air Pollutants in Europe and the Working Group on Effects on their eighth joint session _ 373907 _ French _ 780 _ 375578 _ pdf
29124 _ ECE/EB.AIR/GE.1/2022/2−ECE/EB.AIR/WG.1/2022/2 - Report of the Steering Body to the Cooperative Programme for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Long-range Transmission of Air Pollutants in Europe and the Working Group on Effects on their eighth joint session _ 373907 _ Russian _ 864 _ 375579 _ pdf
29124 _ ECE/EB.AIR/GE.1/2022/3−ECE/EB.AIR/WG.1/2022/3 - Scientific information for the review of the Gothenburg Protocol _ 369030 _ English _ 773 _ 359179 _ pdf
29124 _ ECE/EB.AIR/GE.1/2022/3−ECE/EB.AIR/WG.1/2022/3 - Scientific information for the review of the Gothenburg Protocol _ 369030 _ French _ 780 _ 359180 _ pdf
29124 _ ECE/EB.AIR/GE.1/2022/3−ECE/EB.AIR/WG.1/2022/3 - Scientific information for the review of the Gothenburg Protocol _ 369030 _ Russian _ 864 _ 359181 _ pdf
29124 _ ECE/EB.AIR/GE.1/2022/4−ECE/EB.AIR/WG.1/2022/15 - Measurements and modelling _ 369111 _ English _ 773 _ 359170 _ pdf
29124 _ ECE/EB.AIR/GE.1/2022/4−ECE/EB.AIR/WG.1/2022/15 - Measurements and modelling _ 369111 _ French _ 780 _ 359171 _ pdf
29124 _ ECE/EB.AIR/GE.1/2022/4−ECE/EB.AIR/WG.1/2022/15 - Measurements and modelling _ 369111 _ Russian _ 864 _ 359172 _ pdf
29124 _ ECE/EB.AIR/GE.1/2022/5−ECE/EB.AIR/WG.1/2022/16 - Integrated assessment modelling _ 369031 _ English _ 773 _ 359191 _ pdf
29124 _ ECE/EB.AIR/GE.1/2022/5−ECE/EB.AIR/WG.1/2022/16 - Integrated assessment modelling _ 369031 _ French _ 780 _ 359192 _ pdf
29124 _ ECE/EB.AIR/GE.1/2022/5−ECE/EB.AIR/WG.1/2022/16 - Integrated assessment modelling _ 369031 _ Russian _ 864 _ 359193 _ pdf
29124 _ ECE/EB.AIR/GE.1/2022/6−ECE/EB.AIR/WG.1/2022/17 - Emission inventories and projections _ 369032 _ English _ 773 _ 358124 _ pdf
29124 _ ECE/EB.AIR/GE.1/2022/6−ECE/EB.AIR/WG.1/2022/17 - Emission inventories and projections _ 369032 _ French _ 780 _ 358125 _ pdf
29124 _ ECE/EB.AIR/GE.1/2022/6−ECE/EB.AIR/WG.1/2022/17 - Emission inventories and projections _ 369032 _ Russian _ 864 _ 358126 _ pdf
29124 _ ECE/EB.AIR/GE.1/2022/7−ECE/EB.AIR/WG.1/2022/18 - Present state of emission data, review process and data for modellers _ 369033 _ English _ 773 _ 359173 _ pdf
29124 _ ECE/EB.AIR/GE.1/2022/7−ECE/EB.AIR/WG.1/2022/18 - Present state of emission data, review process and data for modellers _ 369033 _ French _ 780 _ 359174 _ pdf
29124 _ ECE/EB.AIR/GE.1/2022/7−ECE/EB.AIR/WG.1/2022/18 - Present state of emission data, review process and data for modellers _ 369033 _ Russian _ 864 _ 359175 _ pdf
29124 _ ECE/EB.AIR/GE.1/2022/8−ECE/EB.AIR/WG.1/2022/19 - Hemispheric transport of air pollution _ 369034 _ English _ 773 _ 358127 _ pdf
29124 _ ECE/EB.AIR/GE.1/2022/8−ECE/EB.AIR/WG.1/2022/19 - Hemispheric transport of air pollution _ 369034 _ French _ 780 _ 358128 _ pdf
29124 _ ECE/EB.AIR/GE.1/2022/8−ECE/EB.AIR/WG.1/2022/19 - Hemispheric transport of air pollution _ 369034 _ Russian _ 864 _ 358129 _ pdf
29124 _ ECE/EB.AIR/GE.1/2022/10-ECE/EB.AIR/WG.1/2022/21 - Review of adjustment applications _ 369925 _ English _ 773 _ 359981 _ pdf
29124 _ ECE/EB.AIR/GE.1/2022/11−ECE/EB.AIR/WG.1/2022/4 - Effects of air pollution on forests _ 369978 _ English _ 773 _ 360248 _ pdf
29124 _ ECE/EB.AIR/GE.1/2022/12−ECE/EB.AIR/WG.1/2022/5 - Effects of air pollution on rivers and lakes _ 369998 _ English _ 773 _ 360330 _ pdf
29124 _ ECE/EB.AIR/GE.1/2022/13−ECE/EB.AIR/WG.1/2022/6 - Effects of air pollution on materials _ 369999 _ English _ 773 _ 360331 _ pdf
29124 _ ECE/EB.AIR/GE.1/2022/14–ECE/EB.AIR/WG.1/2022/7 - Effects of air pollution on natural vegetation and crops _ 369940 _ English _ 773 _ 360055 _ pdf
29124 _ ECE/EB.AIR/GE.1/2022/15–ECE/EB.AIR/WG.1/2022/8 - Integrated monitoring of air pollution effects on ecosystems _ 369926 _ English _ 773 _ 359982 _ pdf
29124 _ ECE/EB.AIR/GE.1/2022/16−ECE/EB.AIR/WG.1/2022/9 - Modelling and mapping _ 370457 _ English _ 773 _ 361585 _ pdf
29124 _ ECE/EB.AIR/GE.1/2022/17−ECE/EB.AIR/WG.1/2022/10 - Effects of air pollution on health _ 369971 _ English _ 773 _ 360138 _ pdf
29124 _ ECE/EB.AIR/GE.1/2022/18−ECE/EB.AIR/WG.1/2022/11 - Strategy for scientific bodies under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution _ 369035 _ English _ 773 _ 359176 _ pdf
29124 _ ECE/EB.AIR/GE.1/2022/18−ECE/EB.AIR/WG.1/2022/11 - Strategy for scientific bodies under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution _ 369035 _ French _ 780 _ 359177 _ pdf
29124 _ ECE/EB.AIR/GE.1/2022/18−ECE/EB.AIR/WG.1/2022/11 - Strategy for scientific bodies under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution _ 369035 _ Russian _ 864 _ 359178 _ pdf
29124 _ ECE/EB.AIR/GE.1/2022/19−ECE/EB.AIR/WG.1/2022/12 - Financial and budgetary matters _ 370291 _ English _ 773 _ 361028 _ pdf
29124 _ ECE/EB.AIR/GE.1/2022/20−ECE/EB.AIR/WG.1/2022/13 - Guidelines for Reporting Emissions and Projections Data under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution _ 369036 _ English _ 773 _ 359182 _ pdf
29124 _ ECE/EB.AIR/GE.1/2022/20−ECE/EB.AIR/WG.1/2022/13 - Guidelines for Reporting Emissions and Projections Data under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution _ 369036 _ French _ 780 _ 359183 _ pdf
29124 _ ECE/EB.AIR/GE.1/2022/20−ECE/EB.AIR/WG.1/2022/13 - Guidelines for Reporting Emissions and Projections Data under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution _ 369036 _ Russian _ 864 _ 359184 _ pdf
29124 _ ECE/EB.AIR/GE.1/2022/21−ECE/EB.AIR/WG.1/2022/14 - Technical Guidance for Emissions Inventory Adjustments under the Amended Gothenburg Protocol _ 369037 _ English _ 773 _ 359185 _ pdf
29124 _ ECE/EB.AIR/GE.1/2022/21−ECE/EB.AIR/WG.1/2022/14 - Technical Guidance for Emissions Inventory Adjustments under the Amended Gothenburg Protocol _ 369037 _ French _ 780 _ 359188 _ pdf
29124 _ ECE/EB.AIR/GE.1/2022/21−ECE/EB.AIR/WG.1/2022/14 - Technical Guidance for Emissions Inventory Adjustments under the Amended Gothenburg Protocol _ 369037 _ Russian _ 864 _ 359187 _ pdf
Informal documents
29125 _ Agenda item 1: Organization of work during the eighth joint session _ 369038 _ English _ 773 _ 358162 _ pdf
29125 _ Agenda item 2 : Review and revision of Empirical Critical Loads _ 369965 _ English _ 773 _ 360108 _ pdf
29125 _ Agenda item 2: Proceedings of the 2022 Ammonia Workshop _ 370124 _ English _ 773 _ 360586 _ pdf
29125 _ Agenda item 2: CCE Status Report 2022 _ 370424 _ English _ 773 _ 361507 _ pdf
29125 _ Agenda item 3: Letter of Cooperation between eLTER RI and UNECE CLRTAP Working Group on Effects _ 369934 _ English _ 773 _ 359990 _ pdf
29125 _ Agenda item 7 (a): Annex II - Policy background _ 370001 _ English _ 773 _ 360333 _ pdf
29125 _ Agenda item 7 (a): Annex II (updated) _ 370461 _ English _ 773 _ 361615 _ pdf
29125 _ Agenda item 7 (a): Review report chapters on emission, concentration and impact _ 370003 _ English _ 773 _ 360336 _ pdf
29125 _ Agenda item 7 (a): Estimation of Exceedance of Critical Atmospheric Nitrogen Inputs to the Baltic Sea _ 370436 _ English _ 773 _ 361527 _ pdf
29125 _ Agenda item 7 (b): EMEP data license _ 369935 _ English _ 773 _ 359991 _ pdf
29125 _ Agenda item 10: Annex IV - Proposed Revisions to the Emissions Projections Reporting Template _ 369937 _ English _ 773 _ 359993 _ pdf
29125 _ Agenda item 10: Annex IV - Guidelines for reporting emissions and projections data _ 369936 _ English _ 773 _ 359992 _ xlsx
29125 _ Agenda item 10 (a): Denmark - Review of the 2022 Adjustment Application _ 369928 _ English _ 773 _ 359984 _ pdf
29125 _ Agenda item 10 (a): France - Review of the 2022 Adjustment Application _ 369929 _ English _ 773 _ 359985 _ pdf
29125 _ Agenda item 10 (a): Netherlands - Review of the 2022 Adjustment Application _ 369930 _ English _ 773 _ 359986 _ pdf
29125 _ Agenda item 10 (a): United Kingdom - Review of the 2022 Adjustment Application _ 369931 _ English _ 773 _ 365197 _ pdf
29125 _ Agenda item 11: Election of officers (as of 13 September 2022) _ 370442 _ English _ 773 _ 361795 _ pdf
29126 _ Agenda Item 1: Statement of Ukraine _ 370604 _ English _ 773 _ 361933 _ pdf
29126 _ Agenda Item 2: ICP Modelling and Mapping CEE and AMAP contribution to the GP review _ 370557 _ English _ 773 _ 363302 _ pdf
29126 _ Ageda Item 2: ICP Materials - GP review _ 370556 _ English _ 773 _ 361803 _ pdf
29126 _ Agenda Item 2: ICP Waters Recent contribution to the GP review _ 370551 _ English _ 773 _ 361797 _ pdf
29126 _ Agenda Item 2 (a): The Joint Task Forces on the Health Aspects of Air Pollution _ 370536 _ English _ 773 _ 361772 _ pdf
29126 _ Agenda Item 2 (b): ICP Modelling and Mapping Progress in Activities in 2022 _ 370549 _ English _ 773 _ 361794 _ pdf
29126 _ Agenda Item 2 (c) i: ICP Materials Progress in activities in 2022 and future work _ 370538 _ English _ 773 _ 361766 _ pdf
29126 _ Agenda Item 2 (c) ii: ICP Forests Report of the Programme Co-ordinating Centre _ 370540 _ English _ 773 _ 361776 _ pdf
29126 _ Agenda Item 2 (c) iii: ICP Waters _ 370539 _ English _ 773 _ 361768 _ pdf
29126 _ Agenda Item 2 (c) iv: ICP Vegetation overview 2022 _ 373906 _ English _ 773 _ 369961 _ pdf
29126 _ Agenda Item 2 (c) iv: ICP Vegetation contribution to GP review _ 370552 _ English _ 773 _ 361798 _ pdf
29126 _ Agenda Item 4 : Strategy for Scientific Bodies under the Air Convention _ 370501 _ English _ 773 _ 361699 _ pdf
29126 _ Agenda Item 5 (b): Statement of Ukraine _ 370603 _ English _ 773 _ 361932 _ pdf
29126 _ Agenda Item 6: WGSR Chair's repor: Gothenburg Protocol Review focus _ 370509 _ English _ 773 _ 361712 _ pdf
29126 _ Agenda Item 7 (a): Gothenburg Protocol Review _ 370498 _ English _ 773 _ 361696 _ pdf
29126 _ Agande Item 7 (a): Review of the Gothenburg Protocol (Annex I and II) _ 370499 _ English _ 773 _ 361697 _ pdf
29126 _ Agenda Item 7 (a): Scientific Information _ 370500 _ English _ 773 _ 361698 _ pdf
29126 _ Agenda Item 7 (b): Data bases available at ICPs _ 370602 _ English _ 773 _ 361930 _ pdf
29126 _ Agenda Item 7 (b): Summary of Discussion on Data Sharing _ 371271 _ English _ 773 _ 363851 _ pdf
29126 _ Agenda item 7 (b): EMEP data _ 372618 _ English _ 773 _ 367186 _ pdf
29126 _ Agenda Item 8: Updates from the WMO GAW Programme _ 370580 _ English _ 773 _ 361885 _ pdf
29126 _ Agenda Item 8: Open-Ended Science Group for Effectiveness Evaluation _ 370583 _ English _ 773 _ 361891 _ pdf
29126 _ Agenda Item 8: Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP) _ 370598 _ English _ 773 _ 361918 _ pdf
29126 _ Agenda Item 9: Development of new PM2.5 Targets for England _ 370572 _ English _ 773 _ 361865 _ pdf
29126 _ Agenda Item 9: Nitrogen budgets _ 371505 _ English _ 773 _ 364510 _ pdf
29126 _ Agenda Item 10 (a): TFEIP Progress and Plans 2022 _ 370617 _ English _ 773 _ 361992 _ pdf
29126 _ Agenda Item 10 (a) ii: CEIP activities 2022 - Plans for 2023 _ 370624 _ English _ 773 _ 362004 _ pdf
29126 _ Agenda Item 10 (b): POP pollution assessment _ 370642 _ English _ 773 _ 362036 _ pdf
29126 _ Agenda Item 10 (b): Heavy Metals Pollution Assessment within EMEP _ 370643 _ English _ 773 _ 362047 _ pdf
29126 _ Agenda Item 10 (с): EMEP -CCC _ 370650 _ English _ 773 _ 363307 _ pdf
29126 _ Agenda Item 10 (c): Progress in the 2022-2023 TFIAM work plan _ 370652 _ English _ 773 _ 362075 _ pdf
29126 _ Agenda Item 10 (c): CIAM - Progress in 2021-2022 _ 370653 _ English _ 773 _ 363303 _ pdf
29126 _ Agenda Item 10 (e): Status of TF-HTAP activities _ 370656 _ English _ 773 _ 363299 _ pdf