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WP.6 Third Forum

WP.6 Third Forum

02 April (10:00) - 05 April (18:00) 2024
Palais des Nations H-building and virtual connection possible Geneva Switzerland


The Working Party on Regulatory Cooperation and Standardization Policies (WP.6) promotes regulatory cooperation, standardization policies and activities which contribute towards reducing technical barriers to trade, while lowering efficiently managing risk, promoting sustainable development in its all dimensions including gender equality, climate and environmental protection and adaptation to new technologies.

WP.6 has several subgroups and initiatives that meet at least annually. The official annual meetings of these groups have all been brought together during the same week to form a WP.6 Forum and will be marked by conferences of each group on the theme of digital, green transformation.

Group of Experts on Risk Management in Regulatory Systems (GRM)

WP.6 GRM picture

2 – 3 April 2024 (mornings)

Geneva, H-building and virtual connection possible

The Group of Experts on Risk Management in Regulatory Systems (GRM) was established in 2010 and meets regularly to advance projects and knowledge sharing on risk management in regulatory frameworks and international trade. The Group of Experts aims at an improved management of hazards that have the potential to affect the quality of products and services, and/or cause harm or damage to people, the environment, property and immaterial assets. To this end, it systematizes and applies best practice on risk management in regulatory activities and international trade.

This hybrid meeting for the 14th annual meeting aims to showcase best practices in integrated risk management strategies and systems.

Risk management and green digital transformation

2 April 2024 (afternoon)

Geneva, H-building of the Palais des Nations, hybrid meeting

This conference will consider the challenges faced by regulatory agencies in relation to the digital, green transition, lay down the principles of risk management that could be applied to these and brainstorm on further guidance which could eventually be useful from WP.6 in this area.

Team of Specialists on Gender-Responsive Standards (ToS-GRS)

WP.6 GRS picture

3 – 4 April 2024 (mornings)

Geneva, H-building and virtual connection possible

The Team of Specialists on Gender-Responsive Standards was established in 2022, following the initiative of the same name which had begun in 2016. This Team aims at providing a practical way forward for standards bodies wishing to take a step towards gender equality through the standards they develop and their standards development process. WP.6 also seeks to provide a forum for interested parties to come together to collaboratively develop expertise and guidance which can be shared.

This hybrid meeting for the 2nd annual meeting aims to showcase best practices in gender-responsive standards and the development of relevant gender action plans.

Gender consideration for green digital transformation

3 April 2024 (afternoon)

Geneva, H-building of the Palais des Nations, hybrid meeting

This conference will consider a gender perspective to the digital, green transition in relation to product regulations and how ensuring the needs of women as well as men will create better regulations for everyone. The discussions and presentations will feed into the future work of the Team of Specialists on Gender-Responsive Standards.

Education on standardization initiative (START-Ed)

3 April 2024 (afternoon)

Geneva, H-building and virtual connection possible

The START-Ed Initiative was established by the decision of the Working Party in November 2012. The START-Ed Initiative has the following two major tasks: (1) Promotion of standards-awareness in the educational establishments including elaboration of module programme on standardization, (2) Assisting in sharing best practices in teaching standards to different audiences.

This hybrid meeting for the 9th START-Ed meeting will discuss the results of the recent survey on Mapping the needs of Actors in Education on Standardization and discusses the planned project on adding the Sustainability-Related Issues Module to the UNECE WP.6 Model Programme on education on standardization.

Advisory Group on Market Surveillance (MARS)

WP.6 MARS picture

4 – 5 April 2024 (mornings)

Geneva, H-building and virtual connection possible

The Advisory Group on Market Surveillance (MARS) was established in 2003 to promote global trade and economic cooperation. The Group brings together all players involved (public authorities, manufacturers, retailers, importers, consumers, etc.) to increase transparency and attract attention to the role and responsibilities of public authorities in the chain of control. It has developed comprehensive guidance and serves as a forum of best practice and development of recommendation guidelines.

This hybrid meeting for the 22nd annual meeting aims to showcase best practices in market surveillance approaches.

Market surveillance and green digital transformation

4 April 2024

Geneva, H-building of the Palais des Nations, hybrid meeting

The evolution in technology may change the way that market surveillance and associated regulatory procedures are conducted. This conference will look at current trends in the use of technologies in quality infrastructure and challenges that this may cause.

Ad-hoc Team of Specialist on Standardization and Regulatory Techniques (START)

WP.6 START picture

5 April 2024 (morning)

Geneva, H-building and virtual connection possible

The ad hoc team of specialists on Standardization And Regulatory Techniques (START Team) was established in 1999 to support initiatives following the guidance of Recommendation L on the International Model for Transnational Regulatory Cooperation Based on Good Regulatory Practice. Several initiatives have been launched and developed common regulatory arrangements for products such as earth moving machinery, equipment for explosive environments, telecom and cybersecurity.

This hybrid meeting for the 24th annuals meeting will review the active and future projects under the START Team.

Joint WP.6 – Hydrogen Task Force conference on Harmonizing Regulatory Requirements on Pipeline Security for Hydrogen

5 April 2024 (afternoon)

Geneva, H-building and virtual connection possible

This conference will bring together the principal actors on the transport of hydrogen via pipelines with a view to exchange on the product requirements and their conformity assessment processes.